Auctioneer Press Release Morton Subastas

Books and Documents on the Independence of Mexico at Morton Subastas

Aug 28,2020 | 10:25 EDT By Morton Subastas

The month of September is full of ideological and historical significance within the Mexican context, as it commemorates the triumph of a relentless struggle for the freedom of the Mexican people. This struggle became the legacy for its political development, but also for human growth, since it not only sought to build a republic, but also to ensure that its inhabitants were able to enjoy their basic rights. Morton Subastas is pleased to present the “Auction of Books and Documents on the Independence of Mexico, the First Empire, and the First Republic, History of Mexico, Explorers, Travelers and Maps”, in which a large number of relevant historical books and documents are brought together to understand more fully the causes, development, and consequences of the independence movement in Mexico.

Lot 80, Prado y Obejero - Sainz de Alfaro - Flores. Edicto en contra de las Proclamas de José Bonaparte

Among many items of interest, it is important to mention Lot 80, “Edicto en contra de las Proclamas de José Bonaparte y el Folleto Avisos, Exhortaciones de un Criollo Español” (“Edict against the Proclamations of Joseph Bonaparte and the Brochure Notices, Exhortations of a Spanish Criollo"), as it deals with a previous issue influential to the struggle for the Independence of Mexico. The demonstrations against the French intervention in Spain and in support of Ferdinand VII as the new ruler became a nationalist demand. Eventually, the preference of the Spanish or French yokes was put aside, and it gave way to the fight for an independent country. Over time, leaders emerged who led the country towards its objective, such as Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (see Lots 69 and 77), José María Morelos y Pavón (Lots 95 and 101), Agustín de Iturbide (Lots 99, 107, 119, 123 and 132), Vicente Guerrero (Lot 160), Francisco Xavier Mina (Lot 102), among others.

Also noteworthy are the battle reports of members of the royalist army who tried to maintain a mindset in which a human being was an object of monetary value (see lots 154 and 155), whilst aristocrats enjoyed extreme privileges. Lot 90 gathers relevant testimonies focused on the victories and the royalist advance against the people that fought in favor of Independence; Pedro Celestino Negrete and Manuel del Río were in charge of waging battles against Miguel Gallaga, “El Lego”, Miguel Hidalgo’s nephew; Félix María Calleja tirelessly persecuted Ignacio López Rayón to prevent his plan, by establishing the Junta de Zitácuaro, from having a favorable course; in this regard, the text written by Carlos María de Bustamante (Lot 89), offers us an impeccable and detailed narrative; likewise included, texts that give news about the capture of José Antonio Torres "El Amo", who was sentenced to hang a month later.

The Junta de Zitácuaro included the participation of José María Morelos, José María Liceaga, and José María Cos; the latter was a relevant figure in the struggle for independence, as shown in the documents gathered in Lot 101. Although briefly, Francisco Javier Mina also had a strong presence within the movement. Unfortunately, shortly after his arrival in Mexico he was captured and executed; in lot 102 one can find a document signed by Mina himself, and published posthumously, narrating part of the battle at Fuerte del Sombrero against the royalist forces of Marshal Pascual Liñán.

Lot 114, Herrera, José Manuel. Acta de Independencia del Imperio. Guadalajara: Reimpresa en Imprenta de D. Mariano Rodríguez, 1821

After an endless number of bloody battles, in lot 114, “Acta de Independencia del Imperio” ("Act of Independence of the Empire"), one is offered a glimpse of the beginning of a new period, as Iturbide eventually became emperor (see lot 128). After the brief Empire of Agustín de Iturbide, in November 1823 the Second Constituent Congress met in the old temple of San Pedro y San Pablo in order to prepare the Constitutive Act of the Federation, published on January 31st, 1824. From that moment onwards, Congress, of both republican and anti-imperialist tendencies, dictated the legal bases necessary to annul the Empire on April 8th, 1823, as well as to declare both the Plan de Iguala and the Treaties of Córdoba unsustainable in terms of the form of government that they proposed (see lot 145). It was not long before the first president of Mexico presided over the country as a republic (see his appointment in lot 147).

Additionally, the auction has items on exact and social sciences, as well as works by explorers and travelers, plans, maps, landscapes, religion, as well as literature, bibliography and art, thus enriching the great variety of interdisciplinary studies, not only about Mexico, but the entire world.

By Morton Subastas

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