MARTINEZ, XAVIER. 1869-1943. A group of well over 200 autograph letters signed, written to Martinez's daughter, Micaela "Kai" Martinez DuCasse, 1932-1942. A number of letters include drawings. Condition is overall very good; the letters are crisp and readable. Almost all lack envelopes, and those that are present (holding bunches of letters together), have tears and stamps removed. There are twelve packets, each containing approx. 10 to 50 letters. Note: letters have only been spot-read, so there is much content to discover. Many are on Martinez's personal letterhead, with his red monogram. The earlier letters are newsy and more voluminous, expressing interest and support for his daughter's work and career, thoughts on art, his colleagues and classes at the California College of Arts and Crafts, memories, and anecdotes about friends and socializing. The later letters, towards the end of his life, are briefer, reporting on his health and resulting struggles with teaching, expressing melancholy, worry, and loneliness. He often writes of "Olympia", who it seems helped him around the house in Piedmont (there are several letters from Olympia, updating Kai on her father, her own artwork, and sharing general news). PACKETS: -- 1932 to 1935: Over 50 letters, several of which are illustrated, including drawings of Sappho the Cat, and a landscape. He writes of art, acting, and music, Greco and Rembrandt; discussion of the Lindbergh little boy, and that be believes he's dead; that the Bohemian Club is building a new clubhouse, and Fred paid his fair and "...a good lunch at Coppa's", where he saw "very few of my old friends -- and there was Bertha". He writes of going to the Legion of Honor and seeing Ramos Martinez paintings, and his own painting in Golden Gate Park. -- June 1936: Approx. 20 letters. There is a postcard with a small silverpoint pencil artwork, and topics include: Spooky the dog; mention of Roman Hubbell (son of John Hubbell/Hubbell's Trading Post, AZ), and how he and his father were "...the only pale faces the Navajo befriended". Also, letters from Olympia. -- July 1936: Approx. 11 letters. Includes a letter with a wonderful cartoon of Martinez and Olympia; a drawing of a neighbor's house; story about the "girl who danced for Lester (Horton); a scene Naya (Virginia Hale painted); his "cloud drawings" and the San Francisco Museum. -- May 1937: Approx. 11 letters. Includes two letters from Olympia, including an amusing and newsy letter updating on Marty's health; she bumped into Mrs. Roberts at Capwell's lunch counter, who says she wants to drive Marty and her up to Porter Garnett's place, but Olympia is afraid Marty is going to back out. -- June 1937: Approx. 15 letters. Topics include: his worry for Kai as she travels; mention of artist Kisa (Beck); an invite for an "old guard dinner" at Bohemian Grove that he feels he can't attend; discussion of bookbinding, and remembering his father (who was a bookbinder in Mexico); word of his sick sister; and news of Mexico from Armando (Valdes Peza). -- April 1940: Approx. 28 letters. Topics include: sending money for Roos Bros. bill; Louis Miljarak and Vatinia Sulprizio giving him rides home from the school; Olympia not showing up; his ill health/asthma; Kai's visit with Ralph Pearson. -- November 1940: Approx. 22 letters. Topics include news of the Lattimores; Kisa Beck; his friend Louis Dean's death; his foster mother's (Rosalia de Coney) uncle, an Arch Bishop of Mexico; discussion of Gogol stories he wants Kai to read; June (Hass?) asking for Walter Pach's address. -- March 1941: Approx. 16 letters. Topics include: his old friend Albert Bender, from 1895, has died; Marion visits (possibly George Sterling's younger sister); students; Kai's theater work; June and Sidney take him to a Mexican dinner; he sends $2 for Pal's (Harriet Dean) birthday; a lonely Easter. -- April 1942: Approx. 18 letters. Among the subjects, he writes that he is going to meet an old student, Joe Raphael, "...who with Piazzoni was one of my closest friends in the old art school". -- January 1942: Approx. 16 letters. Talk of war, blackouts, Kai joining the Red Cross; he is worried that she is in Carmel by the sea, not safer in Piedmont. -- July 1942: Approx. 9 letters. He writes of his health, arthritis, difficulty getting to his next session of classes, a planned trip to Carmel. From the Family of Xavier Martinez (1869-1943), Elsie Whitaker Martinez (1890-1984), and Micaela Martinez DuCasse (1913-1989).