Including: "Yesterday is Tomorrow" by Malvina Hoffman, Crown Publishers, 1969; "Man and His Images, A Way of Seeing" by Georgine Oeri, Viking Press, 1968; "The Graphic Work of M.C. Escher", Ballantine Books, 1971; "Of Time and Place, American Figurative Art from the Cocoran Gallery", 1981; "Painting in the Twentieth Century" by Werner Haftmann, Praeger, 1968; "La Dame a la Licorne" Alain Erlande-Brandenburg, Reunion des Musees Nationaux, 1969; "Yves Tanguy", The Museum of Modern Art, 1955; "42 capolavori dai musei sovietici", Electa, 1985; "Paintings at Apsley House", Wellington Museum, 1965; "Superarte" by Achille Bonito Oliva, Giancarlo Politi Editore, 1988; "Reflections" David Robinson, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978; "Perceptions and Evocations: The Art of Elihu Vedder", Smithsonian, 1979; "Il Paesaggio nel Disegno del Cinquecento Europeo" De Luca Editore, 1972; "Karl Bitter, Architectural Sculptor, 1867-1915" by James M. Dennis, Univ Wisc Press, 1967; "Remembrance and Light: Images of Martha's Vineyard" by Shaw & Hough, Harvard Common Press, 1984; "Before Photography, Painting and the Invention of Photography", MOMA, 1981; "Kunsthaus Zurich", 1968; "Painting and Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art", MOMA, 1948; "Modern Perspectives in Western Art History" by W. Eugene Kleinbauer, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971; "England and the Seicento", Thos Agnew & Sons, 1973; "Mannerism & Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting", Donald Posner, Schocken Books, 1970; "Louvre" 1977 Guidebook.