An Exceptional and Large Pair of Islamic Middle Eastern Ceramic Tiles with Quran Verses.
Each set with 35 ceramic tiles, measuring 6" x 6.
One with a cobalt border and the other with a yellow border, with floral designs. Very fine Arabic calligraphy throughout with verses from the Holy Quran (Koran), framed beautifully and ready to be hung.
The set of cobalt blue tiles:
Surah Al-Fatiha (_а_„г„ _ае±_ае© _ае_„г__„г_Д_ае__аеИ_а__ае©)
Chapter 1 - The Opening: Al-Fatiha: Verse 1
_аеВ„г„Х_а_„г_ґ„г_Є„г„Х _ае_„г__„г__„г__„г_„г_Ў„г„Х _ае_„г___а屄г__„г__а_„г_ґ„г_Є„г_„г__„геК„г„Х _ае_„г___а屄г__„г__а_„г„Х„г_„г_Є„г„Х
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Al-Fatiha: Verse 2
_ае_„г__„г_ґ_а_„г_„г_Є„г_ґ_а„ц„г_Р„г__„г„Х„г__„г__„г_„г_Ў„г„Х _а屄г__аеВ„г__„г„Х _ае_„г__„г_ґ_а_„г__ае_„г__„г_„г_Є„г„Х„г_„геК„г_
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;
Al-Fatiha: Verse 3
_ае_„г___а屄г__„г__а_„г_ґ„г_Є„г_„г__„геК„г„Х _ае_„г___а屄г__„г__а_„г„Х„г_„г_Є„г„Х
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Al-Fatiha: Verse 4
„г_Є„г__ае_„г__„г„Х„г_У„г„Х „г_„г_„г„ „г_ґ„г_Є„г„Х _ае_„г___а„ц„г__„г„Х„г_„геК„г„Х
Master of the Day of Judgment.
Al-Fatiha: Verse 5
_аÑФ„г„Х„г_„г__„г__ае_„г_У„г_ „геК„г__а_„г_Ò‘_аеВ„г_Ð_а„ц„г_Р„г„ „г__аÑФ„г„Х„г_„г__„г__ае_„г_У„г_ „геК„г__а_„г_Ò‘_аеИ„г__а_„г„Х„г_„геК„г_Ð
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.
Al-Fatiha: Verse 6
_ае_„г_Ў„г_Ò‘_а„ц„г„Х„геК„г__ае_ _ае_„г___а嵄г__„г„Х_а屄г__ае__а_±„г_ _ае_„г__„г_ґ„г_Є„г_Ð_а_„г_Ò‘_аеИ„г_„г__„г„Х„г_„г_Є„г_
Show us the straight way,
Al-Fatiha: Verse 7
_а嵄г„Х_а屄г__ае__а_±„г_ _ае_„г__„г__„г__а__„г„Х„г_„геК„г_ _а_ц„г_„геК„г_Ò‘_а_„г_„г_Є„г_Ò‘_аеИ„г_ _а_„г_„г__„г_„г_„г_ґ„г_Ў„г„Х„г_Є„г_Ò‘ _а„ч„г_„г_„г_Ò‘_а屄г„Х _ае_„г__„г_ґ„г_Є„г__а„ч„г_Ò‘_ае_„г_Ð„г„ _аеВ„г„Х _а_„г_„г__„г_„г_„г_ґ„г_Ў„г„Х„г_Є„г_Ò‘ „г„ „г_„г__„г__ае_ _ае_„г___ае_„г__„г__ае_„г__„г__„г„Х„г_„геК„г_
The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
The right one is Tasbih al-Tarawih:
_а„ц_а__ае__а_Ф _аеИ_ае±_ае_„г„ „г__а_ ...
_а__аеВ_а__ае_„геК _а__„г_ _ае_„г__„г_Є„г__„г_У „г„ _ае_„г__„г_Є„г__„г_У„г„ _аеИ ... _а__аеВ_а__ае_„геК _а__„г_ _ае_„г___а__а__ае© „г„ _ае_„г___а__а„О„г_Є_ае© „г„ _ае_„г__„г_Ў„г__аеВ_ае© „г„ _ае_„г__„г___а„ц_ае±_ае© „г„ _ае_„г__„г_У_аеВ_а屄г__ае__а_Ф „г„ _ае_„г___а_Х_аеВ_а屄ㄠ_аеИ ... _а__аеВ_а__ае_„геК _ае_„г__„г_Є„г__„г_У _ае_„г___а_„г_ _ае_„г___а__„г_ „г___ае_ „г_„геК_ае_„г_Є „г„ „г___ае_ „г_„г_Є„г„ _аеИ ... _а__аеВ„г„ _а_ „г___а„ц„г„ _а_ _ае±_аеВ„геК_ае_ „г„ _ае±_аеВ _ае_„г__„г_Є„г___ае__а_„г_У_ае© „г„ _ае_„г___а屄ㄠ_а_ .
Exalted is the Possessor of the hidden and the manifest dominion. Exalted is the Possessor of Might, Greatness, Reverence, Power, Pride, and Majesty. Exalted is the Master, the Living, the one who neither sleeps nor dies. All-perfect, All-holy, Our Lord, and the Lord of the angels and the souls.
Overall each set of tiles in frame measures 46.5" high x 35" wide. Please note they are extremely heavy.
Very good condition, no chips, cracks or repairs. Minor fading to some areas - see photos.