Gabelkover, Oswald (1539-1616) The Boock of Physicke. Dordrecht: Isaack Caen, 1599. First edition, small folio, illustrated with ornate finely engraved title by Dolens with a view of Dordrecht and a dedication to Queen Elizabeth with her arms at the top of the page; previous bookseller's description inserted indicates that this copy is from the Phillips collection; bound in very good full contemporary limp parchment, becoming slightly decased, 10 3/4 x 7 1/4 in.
Gabelkover's organized approach to folk remedies includes a long table of contents in alphabetical order listing an exhaustive list of medical and pharmaceutical treatments. For joint pain he suggests application of a live frog, "sew him on a cloth with his four feete, & he will presently die, if he waxe rubicunde, it is a signe that in that part there are corruptede bones." Remedies for pimples take up five pages; also treated: "stincke of the svveate," and "how to make ones hayre fayre, yellouwe coulrede, and Longe." Separate sections are dedicated to men, women, and diseases of young children, in addition to fevers, agues, gout, fistulas, bruises, and the other familiar human bodily complaints. Gabelkover's is one of the earliest vernacular-language collections of remedies.
[pi]2, [cross]-[2 crosses]6, [3 crosses]8, A-Z6, Aa-Kk6.
Estimate $12,000-15,000
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