Archive of 24 letters from Barbara Bush, consisting of 22 ALSs and two TLSs signed either as “Barbara” or “Barbara Bush,” dating between 1981 and 1993, a time span that covers the full breadth of her tenure as Second Lady and First Lady of the United States of America. Eight of the letters are written as First Lady and all of the letters are addressed to either noted fashion designer Adele Simpson or her daughter Joan Raines, who continued the family business following her mother’s retirement in 1985. The letters, amounting to 42 total pages, are either handwritten or typed on Bush’s personal letterhead or stationery cards, which range in size from 6.25 x 4.25 to 6.25 x 9.5, and the majority are accompanied by their original mailing envelopes, one of which is signed by her husband, Vice President George Bush, with his franking signature. The bulk of the letter content relates to fashion and clothing, but Bush also makes the occasional reference to important personal or political events. Highlighted excerpts include:
April 14, 1981: “Off to General Omar Bradley’s funeral today in my navy blue wool jersey from A.S.!”
January 18, 1985: “The suit arrived! Hurray. I will wear it on Sunday for the first swearing-in.”
November 8, 1987: “The blouses are perfect! I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have them. We’re home for one day from Iowa and then off to New Hampshire! What a schedule.”
November 21, 1987: “What a treat to find a beautiful dress when I got home from yet again another campaign trip. I hope this doesn’t sound silly, but I am really having a good time. I am seeing the insides of dozens of homes in New Hampshire, Iowa and Texas…It is fascinating to see how people live.”
December 28, 1987: “We spent Christmas at Camp David with all 22 of our gang. They were wonderful and it is a perfect place to spend Christmas. Now George is in Texas for 3 days of hunting. I’m off to buy shoes this morning to see me through the spring…I hope.”
December 17, 1988, a month after George Bush was elected the 41st American President: “How kind of you to come all the way down here for such a short visit! Next time it will be at a bigger…but no better…house.”
May 23, 1989: “A million thanks for the suits. They are great. I wore the ‘Thousand Points of Light’ dress for the Governor’s dinner last night.”
January 13, 1992: “So many many thanks for the wonderful album for K’port. What a dear thoughtful thing for you and Richard to do. We miss seeing you.”
December 1, 1993: “You and Richard (thank heavens he is OK!) were too sweet to send us such a marvelous present. They are going to Kennebunkport this week. The pillows are perfect for Maine! Off to Russia with George—to join him—and then to Paris. Home on Monday! Small world isn’t it!” In overall fine condition.
Accompanied by Bush family Christmas cards from 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1991; a 1988 post-election ‘thank you’ card containing facsimile signatures of the Bushes; White House invitations for Christmas events in 1986 and 1991; and TLSs from Laurie Firestone, former social secretary to George Bush, and Susan Porter Rose, the former chief of staff to Barbara Bush.