A Gilt Bronze Taoism Statue. Does not include base. Height: 12" Length: 8.25"
道教天主坐像面龐豐腴,神態肅穆,法相莊嚴,細發濃密高盤,雕刻精美的頭飾裝飾,面容祥和寧靜,神態自若,臉頰圓潤飽滿,雙目微睜,目光下斂,似在俯視芸芸眾生,細眉彎彎,弧度優美雅緻,鼻樑高挺寬闊,雙耳肥厚寬大,小口豐唇閉合,鬍鬚細密濃黑,自然下垂,表情慈目善眉,精神矍鑠,雙手持如意,肩部寬闊,腰部收縮,身姿優美,線條流暢,呈全跏趺坐姿,身著寬鬆交領式法袍,衣紋自然起伏,衣褶流暢自然,寶光熠熠,氣韻高雅,運用寫實手法表現,生動自然,尤其是垂於腿前的法衣寫實性極強,給人以絲織物的柔軟質感,富有韻律感,氣度端莊,華美脫俗, 雕刻工藝精湛嫻熟,神情刻畫準確到位,極富年代滄桑感,整尊造型優美典雅,身體比例完美,集浮雕、線刻等工藝於一體,淳樸自然,別緻清新,純潔明淨,細部處理一絲不苟,注重姿態表情及服飾衣紋等細節的刻畫,強調線條自身婉轉流動的韻律之感,鎏金厚實,金光燦燦,彰顯華貴氣息,無論是整體造型還是局部特徵,皆體現出鮮明的時代特徵和藝術價值。
來源: 日本安源正之傳承佛教藝術。安源正之先生是日本昭和時代著名的大律師,曾在東京開設Yashara Legal Charter Office。安源正志先生於日本大正11年5月出生。他於 2021 年 2 月 12 日去世,享年 98 歲。他的家庭屬於當地一個著名的家庭。他的父親對中國文化情有獨鍾,多年來收藏了許多精美的中國藝術品。他們是昭和時代日本主要藝術俱樂部的VIP會員。
經深入溝通,委託方同意委託我司拍賣公司拍賣這些珍品。涉及的批次為批次#1 至批次#30、批次#304 至批次#363。
Provenance: Japan's Anyuan Zhengzhi Heritage Buddhist Art. Mr. Anyuan Zhengzhi was a well-known barrister during the Showa period in Japan, who used to open the Yashara Legal Charter Office in Tokyo. Mr Anyuan Zhengzhi was born in Japan Taisho Year 11th, May in Japan. He passed away in Feburary 12, 2021 at 98 years old. His family belonged to a famous local family. His father had a special liking for Chinese culture and had collected many exquisite Chinese artworks over the years. They were VIP members of the major art clubs in Japan during the Showa period.
Mr. Canhuang Xu from Taiwan is the chairman of China Monosodium Glutamate Trading Co., Ltd. When he was involved in foreign trade business of food additives with the Japanese side, he was treated unfairly by the Japanese. Later on, Mr. Anyuan Zhengzhi gave full support and tried fight justice for Mr Xu. Later on, both of them became very close friends. Knowing that Mr. Anyuan Zhengzhi had a liking for Chinese antiquities, Mr Xu presented some exquisite collections that he had collected for many years to show their deep friendship.
Through in-depth communication, The consignor agrees to appoint our auction company to auction these treasure items. The lots involved are lot# 1 to lot# 30, lot#304 to lot #363.
NOTE: Any condition statement is given as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Jumbo Auction House shall have no responsibility for any error or omission. The absence of a condition statement does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections, or the effects of aging. We do not carry out in-depth research of the sort carried out by professional historians and scholars, and any statements made by us orally or in writing about any lot concerning attribution to an artist, provenance, period, materials, origin, history, or dates represent an opinion of Jumbo Auction House and are not to be relied on as a statement of fact. Such opinions serve for informative purposes only and do not constitute historic or academic scholarship on the works and do not aim to substitute or contradict any such scholarship.