Vittori, Benedetto
Benedicti Victorii Faventini Philosophi, ac Medici excellentißimi, Theoricam medicinae in doctißimo Bononiensi Gymnasio edocentis, in Hippocratis Prognostica commentarii. His accessit Theoricae latitudinum medicinae liber, ad Galeni scopum in arte medicinali. Mit Titel-Holzschnitt. Florentiae apud Laurentium Torrentinum ... 1551. 4°. 243, 8 Bll. (Spaet.) marmor. Pp. (etwas bestoßen u. stellenw. beschabt).
Erste Ausgabe. Selten. Laut KVK nur in 9 Bibliotheken weltweit. - HoH 188.1: "First edition of Vettori's (ca.1450-1502) Commentaries on the Prognostica of Hippocrates, including the Latin text in Lorenzo Laurenziani's version. Vettori's commentaries on Galen were first published separately in Bologna in 1516: this is the first appearance of the first of his commentaries on Hippocrates - a commentary upon the Aphorisms was published in Venice in 1556. Vettori was esteemed one of the most learned men of his age, and published numerous writings both in medicine and philosophy. His most notable medical writings were on syphilis and his commentaries on Hippocrates, the rest of his output being in connection with his teaching. He was professor of Medicine at first in Padua, and then in Bologna for some 21 years. The work is a fine specimen of the printing art of Lorenzo Torrentino, typographer to Duke Cosimo de Medici, to whom the book is dedicated and whose arms appear within the title." - Vermerk auf dem vorderen Vorsatz, Titelblatt im unteren Rand knapp beschnitten, Titelblatt und letzte Seite gebraeunt und fleckig, Schnitt und Seitenraender z.T. stockfleckig, vereinzelt Anstreichungen und Anmerkungen im Text, Buchblock an den Gelenken etwas angebrochen, sonst gut.