Physik - Wellenlehre
The Columbia Wave Machine. Chicago, Central Scientific Co., 1908. Ca. 60 x 115 x 18 cm. Wellenmaschine aus Holz mit 39 weißlackierten Metall-Oszillatoren auf 3 Reihen und einer Kurbel auf der Rückseite (z.T. abgesplittert).
"Physics - Wave mechanics - Wooden wave machine with white lacquered metal oscillators on 3 rows and a crank on the back (partly chipped). - The still functioning device is used to demonstrate and display the formation of surface waves (water), longitudinal waves (sound) and transverse Waves (aether), including light, heat and electric waves, which are propagated by turning the crank from left to right: ""This apparatus demonstrates the formation and propagation of I, Water Waves, II, Sound Waves and III, Ether Waves, including Light, Heat, and Electric Waves. It also demostrates the progressive waves of a vibrating cord. The amplitude of vibration of the sound waves may be changed by lowering the sound wave support. The lowering oft he right end oft he support will represent the decrease in the loudness of sound. Any set of waves may be hidden from view by the covers resting on the top oft he frame. By turning the crak counter clockwise the waves will move from left to right."" - The Central Scientific Company, founded in Chicago in 1900, produced and distributed scientific teaching equipment for schools and universities."
"Das noch funktionierende Gerät dient zur Demonstration der Bildung von Wasser, Schall- u. Ätherwellen (einschließlich Licht, Wärme und elektrische Wellen), die sich durch das Drehen der Kurbel von links nach rechts ausbreiten: ""This apparatus demonstrates the formation and propagation of I, Water Waves, II, Sound Waves and III, Ether Waves, including Light, Heat, and Electric Waves. It also demostrates the progressive waves of a vibrating cord. The amplitude of vibration of the sound waves may be changed by lowering the sound wave support. The lowering oft he right end oft he support will represent the decrease in the loudness of sound. Any set of waves may be hidden from view by the covers resting on the top oft he frame. By turning the crak counter clockwise the waves will move from left to right"" (erläuterndes Schild auf der Rückseite). - Die 1900 in Chicago gegründete Central Scientific Company produzierte und vertrieb wissenschaftliche Lehrgeräte für Schulen und Universitäten."