Sammlung von 8 Original-Farbphotographien der NASA. 1996-1998. Vintages C-Print auf Kodak-Papier. Maße je 27,5 x 20 cm.
Mit NASA Text recto und verso. - Enthält: Nr. STS077-716-050 (Pacific Ocean and California with Spacehab-4's Module, picture taken from the space shuttle Endeavour). Nr. STS070-702-008 (TDRS-7 and IUS at moment of release from Discovery's cargo bay). Nr. STS077-711-054 (Spartan 207 free flyer held in the grasp of RMS, picture taken from the space shuttle Endeavour). Nr. STS082-719-002 (Astronauts Joseph R. Tanner and Gregory J. Harbaugh on Discovery's RMS arm). Nr. STS088-719-071 (Control and connecting module in Endeavour's cargo bay). Nr. STS086-387-014 (Solar array panel on Mir Space Station). Nr. STS087-341-004 (Backdropped over Africa Takao Doi during a EVA). Nr. STS088-341-015 (Russian-built FGB approaches Endeavour). - Eine Photographie mit Knickspur an einer Ecke. Teils etwas vergilbt. Insgesamt gut erhalten.
Collection of 8 original colour photographs of NASA. 1996-1998. Vintages C-print on Kodak paper. - With NASA text recto and verso. - Contains: see above. - One photograph with a crease at one corner. Partly a little bit yellowed. Overall in good condition.