Sammlung von 10 Original-Photographien der NASA. 1969-1972. Vintages, Silbergelatine. Maße je 20,5 x 25,5 cm.
Verso mit gedrucktem NASA-Text (teils leicht verblasst). - Enthält folgende Abzüge: Nr. AS10-27-3894 (Apollo 10 on-board film). Nr. 108-KSC-69P-619-69-H-1133 (These three were among the thousands of persons who camped on beaches and roads adjacent to the Kennedy Space Center to watch the Apollo 11 launch). 2x Nr. AS12-47-6921 (Apollo 12 lunar module pilot Alan Bean prepares to deploy antenna on central station). Nr. AS12-46-6790 (Apollo 12 lunar module pilot Alan Bean removes Fuel Cask Assembly). Nr. AS12-46-6787 (Apollo 12 lunar module pilot Alan Bean removes Fuel Cask Assembly). Nr. AS12-51-7519 (Low sun angle emphasizes rupped character of lunar surface as Apollo 12 spacecraft orbits Moon). Nr. 107-KSC-71PC-151 (The Apollo 14 Saturn V vehicle lifting off Kennedy Space Center). Nr. S-72-37001 (Apollo 16 Onboard film - Thomas K. Mattingly II space walk). Nr. verblasst: Apollo 16 Saturn V vehicle lifting off to the Moon. - Am Rand stellenweise leicht ausgesilbert. Eine Aufnahme mit Abklatsch, eine andere mit kl. Defekten im Rand.
Collection of 10 original NASA photographies. Silvergelatine. - Reverse with NASA text (partly slightly faded) Contains: see above. - Partly slightly silvered out in the margin. One photography with offset, another one with irregularities in the margin.