Medizin - Anatomie
Salomon u. Carl Aulich, Eduard Julius Ludwig
Anatomische Studien für Künstler und Kunstfreunde. Mit einem einleitenden Vorworte von Veit Hans Friedrich Schnorr von Carolsfeld. Mit 9 lithographierten Tafeln. Leipzig, Gebhardt u. Reisland, 1841. Gr.-4°. VI, 52 S., 9 Bll. Grünes HLdr. d. Zt. mit Seidendeckel, goldgepr. Deckel- und Rückenverzierung u. dreis. Goldschnitt (etw. berieben und fleckig, Ecken leicht bestoßen).
"Medicine - Anatomy - With 9 lithographed plates. Contemporary green half leather, silk on covers, gilt edges, gilt ruled borders on cover (somewhat rubbed and spotted, edges slightly bumped). - Very rare work after Houdon's anatomical plaster statuette by Aulich, teacher for scientific and anatomical drawing at the University of Leipzig and the physician Salomon. ""The osteologic and myologic plates are very praiseworthy, not so the skeletons which are drawn superficially, vaguely, and arbitrarily. The representations of single organs on the ninth plate, besides being useless to the artist (at least as they are drawn), are not wholly correct anatomically. The printing of the finished plates is sooty. The text is copious, scientifically instructive, and not merely explanatory."" (Choulant/Frank 347) In 1842, both authors published an anatomical atlas with the same publisher, which is considered the forerunner of this large-format atlas. The introduction was written by the German portraitist Veit Hanns Friedrich Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1764-1841), director of the Leipzig Academy of Arts. - With occasional brown spots. Good copy."
"Sehr seltene Arbeit nach Houdon's anatomischer Gipsstatuette von Aulich, Lehrer für naturwissenschaftliches und anatomisches Zeichnen an der Universität Leipzig und dem Arzt Salomon. ""The osteologic and myologic plates are very praiseworthy, not so the skeletons which are drawn superficially, vaguely, and arbitrarily. The representations of single organs on the ninth plate, beside being useless to the artist (at least as they are drawn), are not wholly correct anatomically. The printing of the finished plates is sooty. The text is copious, scientifically instructive, and not merely explanatory."" (Choulant/Frank 347) Beide Autoren veröffentlichten 1842 im selben Verlag einen Anatomie-Atlas, der als Vorläufer dieses großformatigen Atlas gilt. Die Einleitung stammt von dem deutschen Porträtisten Veit Hanns Friedrich Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1764-1841), Direktor der Leipziger Kunstakademie. - Vereinzelt mit kl. Braunflecken. Gutes Exemplar."