Durand, William Frederick
Aerodynamic Theory. 6 Bde. Julius Springer, Berlin, 1934f. OBroschur.
Durand (1859-1958) war ein US-amerikanischer Ingenieur (Luftfahrttechnik, Schiffbau, Maschinenbau) und Pionier der Aerodynamik. Enthält: Vol. 1: Mathematical Aids, Fluid Mechanics, Historical Sketch. 398S. Vol.2: General Aerodynamical Theory, Perfect Fluids. 367S. Vol. 3: Theory of Lift with Single Burbling, Mechanics of Viscous Fluids, Mechanics of Compressible Fluids, Experimental Methods - Wind Tunnels. 354S. Vol. 4: Applied Airfoil Theory, Airplane Body (Non-Lifting System) Drag and Influence on Lifting System, Airplane Propellers, Influence of the Propeller on Other Parts of the Airplane Structure. 434S. Vol. 5: Dynamics of the Airplane, Performance of Airplanes. 347S. Vol. 6: Airplane as a Whole, Aerodynamics of Airships, Performance of Airships, Hydrodynamics of Boats and Floats, Aerodynamics of Cooling. 286S. - Teils unaufgenschnitten.