Descartes, René
L'homme et un traittè de la formation du foetus du mesme autheur, avec des remarques de Louys de la Forge. Mit Holzschnitt-Druckermarke auf dem Titel und 49 meist größerformatigen Textholzschnitten. Paris, Girard 1664. 35 Bll, 448 S., 4 Bll. 4° Ldr. d. Zt. mit Rückentitel (etwas berieben, Rücken am Kopf minimal bestoßen).
Seltene erste posthume französische Ausgabe dieses berühmten Werkes. - Wellcome II,453 - vgl. Waller 2377. - "Descartes considered the human body a material machine, directed by a rational soul located in the pineal body. This book was the first attempt to cover the whole field of 'animal physiology'. The work is really a physiological appendix to his 'Discourse on method', 1637 ..." (Garrison/Morton 574). - Minimal leimschattig auf Titel, erste Blätter etwas stärker gebräunt, sonst nur teilweise leicht gebräunt, Gutes Exemplar.
Medicine. - With woodcut printers mark on the title and 49 mostly larger text woodcuts. (Somewhat rubbed, spine minimally bumped at head). Rare first posthumous French edition of this famous work. - Wellcome II,453 - cf. Waller 2377. - Descartes considered the human body as a material machine controlled by a rational soul located in the pineal gland. This book was the first attempt to cover the entire field of 'animal physiology'. The work is actually a physiological appendix to his 'Discourse on Method,' 1637 ..." (Garrison/Morton 574). - Minimal binders glue shading to title, first leaves browed, else only lightly browned in places. Good copy.