Lettre d'un Inconnu à un Inconnu à l'occasion de la fameuse dispute entre Mr. Maupertius et Mr. Koenig, o.O., o.D., 1753. 44 S. Broschur d. Zt.
"Very rare, no copy traceable to us in international trade. First edition very rare. Pamphlet in the so-called Koenig Affair (the polemic concerning the principle of the last act). This affair is of great importance in the history of physics, since the principle ""was clarified and underwent important developments at the hand of Hamilton and (Carl Gustav Jacob) in the 19th Century...It has come to play a fundamentally important part in 20th century Physics"" See Wolf, History of Science, S.69."
"Sehr selten, kein Exemplar im internationalen Handel für uns nachweisbar. Erste Ausgabe sehr selten. Pamphlet in der sogenannten Koenig Affäre (die Polemik bezüglich des Prinzips der letzten Handlung). Diese Affäre ist von großer Wichtigkeit in der Geschichte der Physik, das Prinzip ""was clarified and underwent important developments at the hand of Hamilton and (Carl Gustav Jacob) in the 19th Century...It has come to play a fundamentally important part in 20th century Physics"" Vgl. Wolf, History of Science, S.69"" . Gutes Exemplar."