CRANMER, Thomas (1489-1556). An Aunswer by the Reverend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury...Unto a craftie and Sophisticall cavillation, devised by Stephen Gardner...agaynst the true and godly doctrine of the most holy Sacrament of the body and bloud of our Savior Jesu Christ. London: John Daye, 1580.
Folio (262 x 180 mm). 2 woodcuts on smaller sheets trimmed to borders (one with small portion of lower corner and outer margin torn away), woodcut initials and decorations, woodcut device on colophon. (A few repairs to final leaf, several leaves starting in quire U bound in on old stubs, some minor browning or spotting.) 20th-century morocco, preserving old lettering-piece gilt.
Second edition of Cranmer's work repudiating the doctrines of transubstantiation, reprinted with a life of Cranmer. The plates depict his condemnation and death. The rectos of 2 leaves (N3 and Ff2) with portion of a headline in Latin present upside down in the lower margin: "The Latin headlines in rules appearing upside down at the foot of several versos in some copies indicate unused sheets of STC 11239 were employed in the printing" (STC 5992). ESTC S107277.
Property from the Collection of Edward A. Quattrocchi
For condition inquiries please contact Gretchen Hause at