The French Revolution. London, 1919. [Together with] Hare, Augustus and other authors. London, 1900-1950.
6 vols. 12mos, 3/4 vellum. Ex-libris William Douglas Sloane. [Together with] Historia De Carlos XII. Rey de Suecia. Madrid: Juan de Ruytrago, 1741. New edition. 16mo, full vellum. Lacks some text to prologue leaf. [Together with] Seu Palatium Musarum. n.p., 1786. 12mo, full vellum. Lacks title-page; 583 pages. [Together with] LEXICON HEBRAICUM ET CHALDAICUM. Basel: F. Plateri, 1698. 12mo, full vellum. [Together with] Le Propagateur Des Connaissances Utiles. Geneva, 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837. 4 vols. 8vos, half vellum. [Together with] L'Uomo Secondo La Rivelazione E Secondo La Scienza. Siena: Biblioteca Del Clero, 1897. 8vo, half vellum. [Together with] Historiarum Sui Temporis. Paris: Drouart, 1609. 5 mixed vols. 18mos, full vellum. [Together with] Osservazioni Su Le Epistole Di Marco Tullio Cicerone. Venezia: Tommaso Bettinelli, 1753. 3 vols. 12mos, full vellum. [Together with] Ciceronis Opera. Venice: 1731. 12mos, full vellum. Volumes 2, 3, 5, 8, 9. [Together with] Opera. Turici, 1839. 4to, vellum. Lacks top cover. [Together with] 3 volumes in Swedish.
32 vols total
Estimate $ 500-700
Property from the collection of Ms. Nancy Jenkins Charlotte, North Carolina.
Condition is overall good ( unless otherwise noted), but should be seen: the older books show clear evidence of age and usage.