* (ART)
A group of 29 books pertaining to fine art, in one box.
Estimate $ 200-400
Property from the Harmon Family Trust, Delray Beach, Florida
A Passover Haggadah. by Leonard Baskin. Tallahassee: Rose Printing Co, n.d.(2 copies); Leonard Baskin's Miniature Natural History. New York: Pantheon Books, 1983 (4 Volumes); "On Prints and Printmakers". New York: Far Gallery c. 1962; Klimt. by Jane Rogoyska . S.I. Parkstone Press Limited, 1999.; The Hard Hours. by Anthony Hecht. New York: Atheneum 1978.; The Sketchbooks of Hiroshige. by Sherman E Lee. New York: George Braziller Inc, 1984. (2 volumes); Leonard Baskin Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings. ed Michael LaPrade. S.I. Bowles/Sorokko Galleries, 1990.; Drawings for Dante's Divine Comedy. by Leonard Baskin. New Haven: Yale University, 1970.; Etchings of Ten Favorite Artists. by Leonard Baskin. S.I. Herman D Shickman, 1963.; Portraits of Ten Artists. by Leonard Baskin. S.I. Herman D Shickman, 1964.; Baskin. by Michael Ricker and David Lewis. Nacogdoches: SFA Gallery, 1996.; IMPS Demons Hobgoblins Witches Fairies & Elves. By Leonard Baskin. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984.; A Human Document. by Robert Gardner. Northampton: The Gehenna Press, 1964.; Drawings from the Iliad. by Leonard Baskin. New York: Delphic Arts, c.1962.; Graphic Arts of the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries. New York: Delphic Arts, n.d.; Renior. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1986.; Jazz. by Henri Matisse. New York: George Braziller, 1985.; 19th and 20th Century Prints. ed Sotheby's. New York: Sotheby's, 1998.; Masterpieces of Primitive Art. by Douglas Newton. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1978.; Hundertwasser. by Harry Rand. … Benedikt Taschen, 1991.; Marc Chagall. San Francisco: Co published San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and Harry N Abrams Inc., 2003.; Rembrandt's Journey Painter, Draftsman, Etcher. by Clifford S. Ackley. Boston: MFA Publications, 2003.; Picasso In His Words. ed Hiro Clark. San Francisco: Collins Publishers San Francisco, 1993.; Lipchitz. ed Robery Goldwater. New York: Universe Books Inc, 1959.; Catalogue and Pictorial Index. New York: Kennedy Graphics, 1980.; Picasso and the Human Comedy. by Michel Leiris. New York: Random House, 1954.; The Unknown Matisse. by Hilary Spurling. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.; Guggenheim Museum Collection A to Z. ed Nancy Spector. New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications, 1992