* 28 Books Pertaining to Chinese Art
Liang Baiquan, Wu Yue wenhua, 1995; Laurence Sickman and Alexander Soper, The Art and Architecture of China, 1956; James C.Y. Watt, China: Dawn of a Golden Age 200-750 AD, 2005; Li Zehou, The Path of Beauty: A Study of Chinese Aesthetics, 1988; Sherman E. Lee and Wai-kam Ho, Chinese Art Under the Mongols: the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), 1968; Robert D. Jacobsen, Appreciating China: Gifts from Ruth and Bruce Jacobsen, 2002; Michel Culas, Grammaire de L'object Chinois, 1997; John Hay, Masterpieces of Chinese Art, 1974; Evelyn S. Rawski and Jessica Rawson, eds., China: The Three Emperors 1662-1795, 2005; National Palace Museum, Great National Treasures of China: Masterworks in the National Palace Museum, 1983; Michel Beurdeley and M.-Th. Lambert-Brouillet, L'eunuque aux trois joyaux: Collectionneurs et esthetes chinois, 1984; William Watson, The Arts of China to AD 900, 1995; William Willetts, Foundations of Chinese Art from Neolithic Pottery to Modern Architecture, 1965; Wang Weizhong, ed., Illustrated Dictionary of Chinese Successive Dynasties' Implements Design, 1996; Maxwell K. Hearn and Judith G. Smith, eds., Arts of the Sung and Yuan, 1996; National Gallery of Art and Nelson-Atkins Museum, The Exhibition of Archaeological Finds of the People's Republic of China, 1974; Susan Bush and Christian Murck, eds. Theories of the Arts of China, 1983; Yu Weichao, ed., A Journey into China's Antiquity, Volumes 1-4, 1997; Ann Barrott Wicks, ed., Children in Chinese Art, 2002; Michael Sullivan, The Arts of China, 1973; Rose Kerr, ed., Chinese Art and Design: Art Objects in Ritual and Daily Life, 1991; Sir Harry Gardner, chairman, The Arts of the Ming Dynasty: An Exhibition Organised by The Arts Council of Great Britain and The Oriental Ceramic Society, 1958; Jessica Rawson, ed., The British Museum Book of Chinese Art, Stanley K. Abe, Ordinary Images, 2002.
Estimate $300-500
Property from the Estate of William Lipton, New York, New York