Three leather handbags. To include a smooth burgundy leather bag by Cellerini Firenze, featuring a single leather handle and detachable leather key fob and padlock, together with two crocodile leather handbags of a similar design. Lengths measure 28 to 35cms.
The bags are in a poor overall the condition all with varying signs of wear. The smallest black crocodile leather bag is in the best overall condition, however still with significant signs of wear. The leather top flap is cracked and split and the metal hardware is scratched and the plating is worn. The larger brown crocodile handbag is in the most distressed out of the three bags. The top leather handle has been heavily split to the underside and has been glued to hold its shape. The top flap closure is split along the bend. there is discolouration of the leather throughout the bag particularly along the bag edges and base of the bag. The burgundy bag is also in a very poor condition with splits the the leather and discolouration from significant wear. Condition reports are offered as a guide only and we highly recommend inspecting any lot to satisfy yourself as to its condition.