1887 Political Broadside - The Sanctity of the American Sabbath Threatened with Free Whiskey !
Nov. 1, 1887-Dated, Political Broadside, headed: "Headquarters Republican County Committee," at Indiana, Pennsylvania, Extremely Fine.
This original, fiery content Political Broadside measures 9-5/8" x 12.75" and is dated at Indiana, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 1, 1887, just one week before election day. From "Headquarters Republican County Committee, it attacks the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania for their alliance with the proponents of "Free Whiskey" (the right to sell whiskey on the Sabbath), and with even worse accusations of moral degradation! It reads, in part:
"The unholy alliance of the Democratic party of Pennsylvania with Free Whiskey and Unrestrained License.... The Sanctity of the American Sabbath Threatened. Personal Liberty Leagues, God-Defiers, Bible-Scoffers, Sabbath Desecrators, Doggery-Keepers and Brothel-Defenders have combined with the Democratic Party to defeat the State Ticket..." and much more.
This Broadside continues: "What have the good people of Indiana county to say in defense of the American Sabbath?... This is a time for prompt action. The Sabbath is the institution of Christianity; Christianity is part of the laws of our country; then, in the parting words of Joshua, we repeat, 'Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.' The Republican party of Pennsylvania is threatened with defeat because it has the courage to defend the sanctity of the American Sabbath, and has promised to submit the question of Prohibition to a vote of the people...A ballot for the Republican ticket on the 8th day of November means a vote to preserve the sacredness of the American home; it means a vote against the worst elements of our State and is a set back to the Anarchists, Socialists, and Blatant Infidels who have combined to destroy that holiest of institutions - the American Sabbath. Do the good citizens of Indiana county desire to see beer gardens opened on the Sabbath day in our large cities? Do you want to have the European continental Sabbaht, which is a day of frolic and carousal, established on Pennsylvania soil? If so, a vote for the Democratic ticket will accomplish your purpose...We are passing through a political crisis and all good citizens should be on the alert. No man who values the Prosperity of his Country, and desires to defend that which is best in Society, should remain at home on the 8th of November...."
Much more great content!