Mississippi Squadron Fleet Surgeon Dr. Bixby and Staff, Albumen Photographs
Lot of 2. Heavily trimmed albumen photograph, 6.5 x 4 in., featuring a group six uniformed naval medical officers with another in civilian dress. Uncredited, n.d. Period ink caption along left margin reads, "
Fleet Surgeon & Staff (ship) Red Rover." Subjects identified, including two (Brown Water) Navy Medical Directors, thanks to an identical photograph found in the Collection of the
U.S. Naval Historical Center.
Oval albumen photograph, 5 x 7.25 in., mounted to 9 x 12 in., featuring the uniformed "
Dr. Bixby Fleet Surgeon." Uncredited, n.d. Identified in period ink beneath portrait.
The medical officer in both photographs is Acting Assistant Surgeon George H. Bixby, USN who served with the Mississippi Squadron for the duration of the war. Dr. Bixby had been sent out from Boston by a wealthy benefactor of the Western Sanitary Commission as senior medical officer with the temporary rank of acting assistant surgeon to staff the newly reconditioned floating hospital ship
Red Rover, a vessel funded by the Commission. When
Red Rover later passed to Navy control, Bixby was formally commissioned acting assistant surgeon, dated November 7, 1862. One source has Bixby appointed Assistant Surgeon although this is not confirmed in the tabular Navy List. Nonetheless, he remained in charge of the medical staff aboard the Hospital Ship Red Rover for the duration. Youthful for an officer of flag rank with administrative responsibilities of a "Fleet Surgeon," this title, if indeed formal, cannot be confirmed in any narrative. Dr. Bixby was not discharged until September 26, 1865. Further details of Bixby's service afloat are unknown.
The same group shot in CDV format held by the
Naval Historical Center is fortuitously captioned with numbers corresponding to names so that the identity of the other wartime officers is known. Top row standing from left: Acting Assistant Surgeon Jacob T. Field (discharged 10/13/65); Acting Assistant Paymaster Alexander W. Pearson (m/o 2/24/66); presumably Assistant Paymaster George Lawrence in civilian attire (resigned 10/7/64). Bottom row seated from left: "Fleet Surgeon" George H. Bixby; Acting Assistant Surgeon James S. Knight (retired as Surgeon 6/21/84); (Fleet) Surgeon Ninian Pinkney (died in service 12/15/77 as Medical Director); Assistant Surgeon Michael Bradley was a long serving officer who rose to top of the Navy Medical Department becoming Medical Inspector 12/6/79, Medical Director 6/19/88, Retired List 3/29/95.
Provenance: The Richard B. Cohen Civil War Collection
The group shot is severely trimmed into the albumen but shows strong details with important ink identification, overall G. The Bixby portrait shows average clarity with adhesive glue now bleeding through the albumen showing as irregular spots of darker brown. The mount is soiled with damaged corners and splotches of blotted ink, overall G.