3pp, 8 x 10 in. Fort Atkinson, [WI], April 1, 1846 (although a note on outer leaf indicates 1847). Jared Elliott writes to General Ely Elliott of Clinton, CT.
Jared appears to be the post Chaplain, as he notes in his letter:
My audience on the Sabbath has of course been so much reduced since they [a detachment from the post] left.
He writes to his father:
...there was a flare up between some of the Indians, who had gone from this side of the river, and the white settlers in Wisconsin territory. We had to send an officer, and a detachment of 30 men to capture some of the Indians and deep the others in order. This detachment has been [gone] since the 1st of Jany. in temporary occupation of Fort Crawford and so instead of having at least two companies at this Post, we have had to garrison two posts with one. This has made the guard and fatigue duty of the men here rather arduous.... I find however that Congress have just passed an appropriation of some thousands to defray the expense of a treaty with the Winnebago's to try and induce them to leave the "Neutral Ground" and a delegation of the tribe are to go to see their great Father at Washington early next month. And as there are to be several interpreters and other attendants appointed at $5 a day for the services I presume some [of] the folks of Sodom and G. are ready to go, and see what of pickings can be got out of the appropriation or the treaty if it is concluded. If it is made and ratified the Indians will ahve to be attended by troops in their removal and this Post may be broken up, or transferred to the country where the Indians are to be located. These buildings would be then sold for a song and from there character and the healthiness of the site would do well for a high school or small college as the country was filled up. He goes on to ask what his father thinks of the idea.
Professor of Ethics and Adjunct Professor of Languages in Iowa College would be an imposing title.The Elliott (Eliot, and var.) family had a long history in Clinton (Killingworth), CT. The family includes numerous "men of the cloth." The "Biographical Sketches of the graduates of Yale College" (Henry Holt & Co. 1907) mentions John (Yale 1786) and an elder Jared (Yale 1706), both ministers (Congregational), as well as Deacon George Eliot (John's father). Some of the others appear to have served in the military, such as General Ely Elliott (War of 1812, CT militia). Jared seems to have combined the two family professions.
Folds as expected, with some toning along these on verso. Otherwise, very good. Even the wax seal was opened without tearing any of the paper.