Grouping of early Knox County, Tennessee documents relating to the Militia, and Revolutionary War soldier signed deeds from Knox County, Governor Willie Blount signed land grant, and other documents signed by historical Knox County individuals from the early 19th century. 1st item - 1810 Signed Tennessee Governor Willie Blount (1768-1835) land grant awarding 300 acres to Nathaniel & Thomas Graham in Knox County, TN. Willie Blount's half brother was William Blount. He was elected as one of the judges of the Superior Court of Law and Equity in 1796. Blount was elected to the 7th Tennessee General Assembly in 1807 and served until he was elected Governor in 1809. He was re-elected in 1811 and 1813. Blount ran for Governor later in 1827, but was defeated by Samuel Houston. 2nd item - Settlement account for the 10th regiment of the Tennessee Militia. Beginning date of December 1812 and ending May of 1814. The header reads, "John McMillan (?sp) Judge Advocate". Listings include dates and entries. Sample entries "1813 April the 7th attended drill and batallion muster at Con. Ramseys $3", "1814 January 13th Notifying the officers of the tenth Regiment to attend at John Caines to hold Court marshal to try the deliquents that did not attend the rundivuse at Camp Williams the 10 Day of January". 3rd item - Tennessee Militia document dated March 1815, Camp Pleasant - James Reynolds a private in Capt. Prices Co. of mounted volunteers is order to return home in consequence of his bad health and will report himself to his commanding officer when he returns to the State of Tennessee and Henry Clear(sp?) is directed to accompany him home to take car of him. By order, ??illeg. Adj." 4th item - Tennessee Militia document dated 1805 of a Captain Jones (?sp) leveling fines of one dollar and fifty cents for the following men being unarmed at a company muster on March 30th, 1805 - John Smith, Benjamin Deewit, English Crawford, Peterson, Peter Holland, and John Kirk. 5th & 6th item - Two 1822 Knoxville Register newspapers - May 21, 1822 and May 28, 1822. The May 21, 1822 issue contains a long article on an Army nominations from the U. S. Senate. Mr. Williams of Tennessee from the Committee of Military Affairs is referenced. The May 28, 1822 contains a lengthy article on the act for establishing a territorial government in Florida. Each newspaper 4 pages. 7th item - Flag of the Union, Henry Clay of KY newspaper published Knoxville, TN August 1, 1844. The content is for the "advancement and the permanent establishmnet of the great principles advocated by the Whig party...". 4 pages.
Toning, some old stains, fold lines on all documents. The May 28th, 1822 Knoxville Register has losses to the middle crease at the top margin from insect damage. Both Knoxville Registers with minor holes from insect damage.