Set Reminder2025-02-07 10:00:002025-02-15 14:00:00America/New_YorkBidsquareBidsquare : Fine Arts, Antiques and Jewelry Online Auction online bidding is available on our site https://www.aspireauctions.comAspire Auctions
Hand powered Wimshurst machine, an early static electricity generator that produces high voltages. It was widely used in physics demonstrations and experiments during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The machine generates static electricity by rotating two large counter-rotating disks with conductive sectors which are separated by an insulating layer. The brushes and metal combs in contact with the disks help accumulate charges. The glass jars visible are Leyden jars, which act as capacitors to store the generated charge. This types of device was often used in educational and experimental contexts to demonstrate principles of electricity and electrostatics. W.M. Welch Scientific Company metal label to base.