Circa 300-400 AD
A well blown ancient Roman glass jug, featuring a flattened base, a bulbous globular body, cylindrical neck, and wide rim. A single applied handle extends from the rim of the jug to the shoulder. The jug displays traces of fine applied trail decoration to the neck.
For similar see:
Roman Glass in the Corning Museum Volume 1-3.
For further reading on Roman glass:
Brill, R.H., 1967: "A Great Glass Slab from Ancient Galilee," Archaeology.
Charleston, R.J., 1978: "Glass Furnaces through the Ages," Journal of Glass Studies 20.
Fleming, S.J., 1999: Roman Glass: Reflections on Cultural Change, Appendix A (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum).
Grose, D.F., 1989: Early Ancient Glass, various sections (New York: Hudson Hills).
Mazor, G., and Bar-Nathan, R., 1998: "The Bet She'an Excavation Project 1992-1994," Excavations and Surveys in Israel 17, 5-38.
Stern, E.M. and Schlick-Nolte, B., 1994: Early Glass of the Ancient World, 72-79 (Ostfildern: Verlag Gerd Hatje).
Weinberg, G.D., 1988: Excavations at Jalome, 38-102 (Columbia: University of Missouri Press).
Size: L:91mm / W:62mm; 32g
Provenance: Private London collection; acquired in the 1990s on the UK art market.