Box chain necklaces are made up of square links, unlike other chains which have round or oval links. It's made using a round wire that is then flattened and shaped into a series of box-like shapes. A box chain is constructed with a series of cubed links and is sometimes referred to as a Venetian chain. Box chains are extremely popular because of their chic and unique design. Especially, box chain gold necklaces are widely known and admired. Gold and box chains represent wealth, status, and style together.
One of the very good attributes of this kind of necklace is that they are not easily destructible. Another reason why box chain gold necklaces are acclaimed is that they are very suitable for creating pendants. Other necklaces like snake necklaces are not sturdy enough to be made into a pendant, that is why a box chain gold necklace is preferred. However, antique and vintage box chain necklaces made from gold are equally difficult to find. Nonetheless, the problem can be solved by visiting Bidsquare.
Bidsquare is an online platform that has a variety of antique and vintage Box Chain Gold Necklace for sale at auction. One can find Box Chain Gold Necklace at online auction in our collection for sale through our auction catalog.