Daum is a French crystal studio located in Nancy founded by Jean Daum in 1878. The company flourished under the leadership of Auguste and Antonin Daum during the Art Nouveau period. Today, the company is the only crystal manufacturer that still employs the Pâte de Verre technique to make crystal glass sculptures and art glass. The Pâte de Verre was an old Egyptian technique that involved the usage of glass paste made from crushed glass pressed into a refractory mold. It later employed a kiln to fuse it.
The glass manufacturing firm came to life in the late 19th century during the start of the Art Nouveau period. The family's efforts created a reputable glassworks brand in France. The company's distinction was often similar to the art of pâte-de-cristal and École de Nancy. These were the prime factors that contributed to its global fame. Its founder, Jean Daum, was a prominent glassmaking master who gave a second life to artworks of famous artists with crystal and hues. Daum has collaborated with artists for almost 40 years and created 350 plus signature collections. It has created an uncomparable heritage with its unique Daum sculpture series.
The company has often improved the relationship between arts and crafts involving artists like Dali, Majorelle, Hilton McConnico, and Arman. Daum artworks of crystals have also received multiple awards like the ‘Grand Prix’ prize from the Universal Exhibition. Daum sculptures for sale also include acid etched works with a blend of enameling, engraving, and carving on a single glass piece. Daum artwork at auction also showcases handmade intricate design creations with applied glass details like decorative motifs and handles in a naturalistic arrangement. Daum sculpture for sale often comes up at online auctions on leading auction platforms. Collectors can also find Daum artwork at an auction online with famous auction galleries.