Albrecht Adam

10 Results
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  • A. Bartsch, etching, after Albrecht Durer, 1786
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    A. Bartsch, etching, after Albrecht Durer, 1786

    $200 - $300
  • ALBRECHT DURER (GERMAN, 1471-1528).
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    ALBRECHT DURER (GERMAN, 1471-1528).

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  • Auguste Lepere Engraving plus 3 Old Master-Related Works on Paper incl. Durer, Rosa
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  • Boussard, De Cotinentia, 1510

    Boussard, De Cotinentia, 1510

  • Dürer, Albrecht Versus e Germanica lingua in Latinam, pictoribus, fabris aerariis e lignariis, lapicidis, statuariis, & universiis demum qui circino,

    Dürer, Albrecht Versus e Germanica lingua in Latinam, p...

  • Salvador Dali, "Couple a cheval"-1970
    $600 - $800

    Salvador Dali, "Couple a cheval"-1970

    $600 - $800
  •  Hommage à Dürer. 1471-1971. Mit 9 sign. u. nummer. Original-Graphiken (Blattmaße je ca. 66 x 50 cm). Berlin, Propyläen, 1971. Je in Umschlag mit Küns

    Hommage à Dürer. 1471-1971. Mit 9 sign. u. nummer. Orig...

  • * Thomas Hart Benton, (American, 1889-1975), Discussion, 1967
    $200,000 - $400,000

    * Thomas Hart Benton, (American, 1889-1975), Discussion...

    $200,000 - $400,000
  •   Umfangreiche Sammlung moderner Künstlerbücher, Pressendrucke, Vorzugsausgaben, meist signiert und nummeriert. I.

    Umfangreiche Sammlung moderner Künstlerbücher, Pressend...

German, 1786- 1862. Albrecht Adam was a painter well-known for his paintings of horses and battles. The artist also accompanied Napoleon Bonaparte on his Russian campaign in 1812. The artist was the official painter in Bonaparte's Grand Armée's Bavarian contingent. During the campaign, Adam painted and sketched the prominent records of the Moscow campaign. Albrecht Adam's memoirs describe the massacre of Borodino. For many years of his career, the artist painted Napoleonic era battle scenes.

The artist was also a famous equine painter. His legacy of equine painting was carried on by Emil Adam, his grandson. Born in Nördlingen, Adam worked as an apprentice at a confectionery. In 1803 he went to Nuremberg for his practice. However, the influences of Johann Rugendas and the Academy of Fine Arts of Nuremberg's director led him to paint. The artist enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg and learned drawing under Christoph Zwinger. The painter moved in 1807 to Munich and started painting wars and battles under Johann Lorenz Rugendas II. Here he also got acquainted with fellow artists Sophie Reinhard and Margarethe Geiger. In 1809, impressed by his talent, the artist was appointed as a court painter by Eugène de Beauharnais- Napoleon's stepson. He was also granted officer's rank.

The artist in 1815 settled in Munich. Here he started painting kings and emperors of Bavaria and Austria. Theodor Horschelt also frequently visited Adam's studio. For the rest of his life, Albrecht Adam painted battle scenes and horses. Albrecht Adam's paintings for sale featuring battles often garner high prices. Collectors can find Albrecht Adam's paintings at online auctions from leading auction galleries. Often Albrecht Adam's artwork for sale is available with many auction houses. They are also part of museum collections worldwide. Albrecht Adam's artwork at online auction also includes paintings of horses.

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