Looking as lovely as when set in jewelry, loose diamonds and gemstones offer consumers additional benefits of matching the unmounted stone to desired specifications and quality characteristics to create a truly unique piece of custom jewelry, such as an engagement ring or milestone gift. Indulge yourself in a world of stunning diamond collections to glistening gemstones dating from the 19th to 21st century on Bidsquare, the online auction site providing authentic gemstone diamonds straight to consumers from verified sellers all over the world.
Basics of Loose Diamonds
Loose diamonds are diamonds that have not been set into jewelry like rings or earrings. The rarity and beauty of diamonds are affected by many variables, including Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight, the 4Cs factors that determine the price of the unmounted stone. Wholesale diamonds are priced by carat, and loose diamond prices grow exponentially with every full carat. Hence, the price difference between 2.9 carat and 3.1 carat diamonds could be hundreds of dollars, if not higher.
Although all 4Cs contribute to a diamond's beauty, cut and clarity have a greater effect on a diamond's stability. A diamond's cut refers to the shape and also the proportions in which the diamond has been cut. Different diamond shapes are reflections of the proportions and quality of the rough diamond as well as popular taste. Some of the most popular shapes of diamonds are the Round, Oval, Emerald, Baguette, Marquise Square, Princess cuts, in addition to the availability of various specialty shapes. Diamonds with pointed tips should be stored and handled carefully. Clarity is determined by the presence or absence of visible flaws in the diamond. A diamond's brilliance can be altered by surface blemishes or internal inclusions, which directly impact its value. The least color diamonds are more valuable, the exceptions are the colored diamonds, especially the pinks.
Loose certified diamonds come with verifiable documentation attesting to the jewel's quality, whether purchased as an investment or for mounting. The price of loose diamonds for sale is 50-70% less than its retail price because of cutting unnecessary costs as with mounted stones. Assessing the quality is easier with loose diamonds due to difficulty in hiding imperfections that would otherwise be easy with mountings.
Quick facts about Loose Diamonds and Gemstones
- A diamond is not always white in color.
- The cutting process can cause a diamond to lose up to 50% of its weight.
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