Kitchenware, Cookware and Houseware

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Few things are more eye-catching than vintage kitchenware when creating impressive displays in the home.  A noticeable difference exists between vintage kitchenware and their newer counterparts in terms of shapes, colors, and motifs. A wide range of collectibles can be found when it comes to kitchenware and household objects. Vintage cookware is among the most popular items since it evokes memories of simpler times. In addition to kitchen items, they include a variety of cooking activities as well. Aside from antique kitchenware dating back over 100 years, you may also be interested in contemporary items.An auction website,  Bidsquare has a wide and varied selection of antique cookware that is both beautiful and functional.

A Guide to Finding Valuable Kitchenware

Jadeite Glass: Jadeite's most prominent name may be Fire-King; however, it was not the first opaque green glass. The 1940s saw Jeanette Glass Co. introduce its “Jadite,” followed by the "Jade-ite" glass from Anchor Hocking.

Canning Jars: Due to its popularity, Mason jars are commonly known as canning jars these days. You may find rare variations such as interesting lids, unusual colors, oddities, and a few discontinued brands as well as Mason, Ball, and Atlas jars.

Pyrex Glass: Collectors seek vintage Pyrex bakeware made between the 1940s and early 1970s, rather than the clear glass pieces first made in 1915. Among the top lots in terms of patterns include Atomic Starburst and Atomic Eyes. 

Advertising Items: In addition to signs related to food and glassware, kitchens can showcase a wide variety of advertising items, but old tins are particularly popular. A popular choice for collectors is older brands or packaging that is no longer available, such as butter pails made of metal and metal-lidded coffee cans. The artwork on several valuable pieces is also interesting and colorful.

Old Kitchen Gadgets: It is not uncommon for collectors to come across obsolete kitchen gadgets such as hand mixers, crank butter churns, and old egg scales. Additionally, kitchen gadgets include apple corers, peelers, potato mashers, and flour scoops with painted handles in red or green. Also popular are Bakelite-handled kitchen tools. Ice cream scoops should also be included.

Small Appliances: You might feel unsafe around them, however, waffle makers, old-fashioned toasters, and other small appliances can be great conversation starters in addition to being beautiful. Putting small appliances like waffle irons or old-school toasters in your kitchen might not be a good idea, but they make for interesting conversation pieces. Choosing an example with a decorative or appealing feature is a good idea. 

There are several vintage kitchenware, cookware, and houseware available on Bidsquare. You might learn what Mama's weird-looking tool does once you walk down memory lane and explore vintage kitchen items on Bidsquare.

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