Aug 29, 06:00PM EDT

Subasta Libros y Documentos de Exploradores y Viajeros, Mapas, Vistas, Ciencia y Religión

Auction ended

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280 Results
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  • Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. Historia en España de las Indias del Nuovo Mondo (Naufragios). Madrid, 1996. Piezas: 2.
    MXN$9,000 - MXN$12,000 $444.66 - $592.89
    Lot 1

    Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. Historia en España de l...

    MXN$9,000 - MXN$12,000 $444.66 - $592.89
  • García, Genaro. Dos Antiguas Relaciones de La Florida, Publicadas por Primera Vez. México, 1902. Edición de 500 ejemplares.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
    Lot 2

    García, Genaro. Dos Antiguas Relaciones de La Florida,...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
  • D'Arvieux, Chevalier. The Travels of the Chevalier D'Arvieux in Arabia the Defart. London: Printed for B. Baker, 1732. 5 láminas.
    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $790.51 - $988.14
    Lot 3

    D'Arvieux, Chevalier. The Travels of the Chevalier D'Ar...

    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $790.51 - $988.14
  • Prevost, Antoine Francois. Histoire Generale des Voyages... Tomo XLVIII. Tomo dedicado a la Nueva España.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
    Lot 4

    Prevost, Antoine Francois. Histoire Generale des Voyage...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
  • Prevost, Antoine Francois. Histoire Generale des Voyages... Paris, 1754. Tomo XLVI. Primeros Viajes y Expediciones Europeas en América.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
    Lot 5

    Prevost, Antoine Francois. Histoire Generale des Voyage...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
  • Stavorinus, Johan Splinter. Voyage par le Cap. de Bonne-Esperance a Batavia, a Bantam et au Bengale... Paris, 1798. 3 mapas plegados.
    MXN$9,000 - MXN$12,000 $444.66 - $592.89
    Lot 6

    Stavorinus, Johan Splinter. Voyage par le Cap. de Bonne...

    MXN$9,000 - MXN$12,000 $444.66 - $592.89
  • San Bartolomeo, Paolino da - Reinhold Foster, John. A Voyage to the East Indies... London, 1800.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
    Lot 7

    San Bartolomeo, Paolino da - Reinhold Foster, John. A V...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
  • Abrégé de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages… Troisième Voyage de Cook. Paris: Chez Laporte, 1786. 4 láminas.
    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $197.63 - $296.44
    Lot 8

    Abrégé de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages… Troisiè...

    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $197.63 - $296.44
  • Burke, William - Burke, Edmund. An Account of the European Settlements in America in Six Parts. London, 1777. Pzs: 2.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
    Lot 9

    Burke, William - Burke, Edmund. An Account of the Europ...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
  • Andrés Morell, Juan. Cartas Familiares del Abate D. Juan Andrés Dandole Noticia del Viage que hizo a Italia 1785. Madrid, 1791-93 Pzs:5
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
    Lot 10

    Andrés Morell, Juan. Cartas Familiares del Abate D. Ju...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
  • Henderson, George. An Account of the British Settlement of Honduras... London, 1809. Un mapa plegado.
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $988.14 - $1,185.77
    Lot 11

    Henderson, George. An Account of the British Settlement...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $988.14 - $1,185.77
  • Raynal, Abbe. A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans... London, 1788. Piezas: 8.
    MXN$22,000 - MXN$26,000 $1,086.96 - $1,284.58
    Lot 12

    Raynal, Abbe. A Philosophical and Political History of ...

    MXN$22,000 - MXN$26,000 $1,086.96 - $1,284.58
  • Cook, James. Viaggi Intorno al Mondo Fatti dal Capitano Giacomo Cook. Venezia: Presso Antonio Zatta E Figli, 1794. Pzs: 4.
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $988.14 - $1,185.77
    Lot 13

    Cook, James. Viaggi Intorno al Mondo Fatti dal Capitano...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $988.14 - $1,185.77
  • Humboldt, A. de. Researches, Concerning the Institutions & Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America. London, 1814. Piezas: 2.
    MXN$24,000 - MXN$28,000 $1,185.77 - $1,383.40
    Lot 14

    Humboldt, A. de. Researches, Concerning the Institution...

    MXN$24,000 - MXN$28,000 $1,185.77 - $1,383.40
  • Pinkerton, J. A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. London, 1812. Vol.13
    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $592.89 - $741.11
    Lot 15

    Pinkerton, J. A General Collection of the Best and Most...

    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $592.89 - $741.11
  • Pinkerton, J. A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. London, 1812. Vol.11
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
    Lot 16

    Pinkerton, J. A General Collection of the Best and Most...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
  • Pinkerton, J. A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World. London, 1813. Vol.14
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
    Lot 17

    Pinkerton, J. A General Collection of the Best and Most...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
  • Clapperton, Hugh - Oudney, Walter - Denham, Dixon. Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa... London, 1831. Piezas: 4.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
    Lot 18

    Clapperton, Hugh - Oudney, Walter - Denham, Dixon. Trav...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
  • Beulloch, M. Le Mexique en 1823. Paris: Alexis - Eymery, Libraire, 1824. Texto y Atlas. Piezas: 3.
    MXN$50,000 - MXN$70,000 $2,470.36 - $3,458.50
    Lot 19

    Beulloch, M. Le Mexique en 1823. Paris: Alexis - Eymery...

    MXN$50,000 - MXN$70,000 $2,470.36 - $3,458.50
  • Hardy, R. W. H. Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 1825, 1826, 1827, & 1828. London, 1829.
    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $790.51 - $988.14
    Lot 20

    Hardy, R. W. H. Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 18...

    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $790.51 - $988.14
  • Bustamante, Carlos María de. Historia del Descubrimiento de la América Septentrional por Cristóbal Colón... Méx, 1826.
    MXN$9,000 - MXN$11,000 $444.66 - $543.48
    Lot 21

    Bustamante, Carlos María de. Historia del Descubrimien...

    MXN$9,000 - MXN$11,000 $444.66 - $543.48
  • Ward, Henry George. Mexico in 1827. London, 1828. Piezas: 2. Una de las Narrativas más Valiosas de Viajeros en México en el S. XIX.
    MXN$15,000 - MXN$20,000 $741.11 - $988.14
    Lot 22

    Ward, Henry George. Mexico in 1827. London, 1828. Pieza...

    MXN$15,000 - MXN$20,000 $741.11 - $988.14
  • Isabelle, Arsene. Voyage a Buenos-Ayres et a Porto-Alegre, la Band-Oriental, les Missions d'Uraguay... Havre, 1835.
    MXN$18,000 - MXN$22,000 $889.33 - $1,086.96
    Lot 23

    Isabelle, Arsene. Voyage a Buenos-Ayres et a Porto-Aleg...

    MXN$18,000 - MXN$22,000 $889.33 - $1,086.96
  • Sartorius, C. Mexiko och Mexikanarne. Landskapsbilder och Skizzer ur Folklifvet. Stockholm, 1862. Frontispicio + 17 láminas.
    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $592.89 - $741.11
    Lot 24

    Sartorius, C. Mexiko och Mexikanarne. Landskapsbilder o...

    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $592.89 - $741.11
  • El Nuevo Viajero Universal en América / El Nuevo Viajero Universal en América. Barcelona, 1832 / 1833. Piezas: 2.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
    Lot 25

    El Nuevo Viajero Universal en América / El Nuevo Viaje...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
  • Hall, Basil. Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Edinburg, 1833. Tomos I - III. Piezas: 3.
    MXN$4,500 - MXN$6,000 $222.33 - $296.44
    Lot 26

    Hall, Basil. Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Edinburg...

    MXN$4,500 - MXN$6,000 $222.33 - $296.44
  • Falkner, Tomas. Descripción de Patagonia y de las Partes Adyacentes de la América Meridional. Buenos Aires, 1835.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
    Lot 27

    Falkner, Tomas. Descripción de Patagonia y de las Part...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
  • Latrobe, Charles Joseph. The Rambler in North America. London: Published by R. B. Seeley And W. Burnside, 1836. Piezas: 2.
    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $197.63 - $296.44
    Lot 28

    Latrobe, Charles Joseph. The Rambler in North America. ...

    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $197.63 - $296.44
  • Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1843. Tomos I - II. Piezas: 2.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
    Lot 29

    Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. New Y...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
  • Wislizenus, F. A. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico Connected with Col. Doniphan's Expedition, in 1846 and 1847. Washington, 1848.
    MXN$18,000 - MXN$22,000 $889.33 - $1,086.96
    Lot 30

    Wislizenus, F. A. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico C...

    MXN$18,000 - MXN$22,000 $889.33 - $1,086.96
  • Ferry, Gabriel. Voyage et Aventures au Mexique. Paris: Charpentier, Libraire-editeur, 1847.
    MXN$3,000 - MXN$4,000 $148.22 - $197.63
    Lot 31

    Ferry, Gabriel. Voyage et Aventures au Mexique. Paris: ...

    MXN$3,000 - MXN$4,000 $148.22 - $197.63
  • Berlandier, Luis - Chovel, Rafael. Diario de Viage de la Comisión de Límites que puso el Gobierno de la República... México, 1850.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
    Lot 32

    Berlandier, Luis - Chovel, Rafael. Diario de Viage de l...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
  • Payno, Manuel. Memorias e Impresiones de un Viaje a Inglaterra y Escocia. México: Imprenta de Ignacio Cumplido, 1853.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
    Lot 33

    Payno, Manuel. Memorias e Impresiones de un Viaje a Ing...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
  • Carrieres, A. C. de la. Voyage aux Pays Aurifères. Afrique - Mexique - Californie - Pérou - Chili - Nouvelle-Calédonie.... Paris [1855]
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
    Lot 34

    Carrieres, A. C. de la. Voyage aux Pays Aurifères. Afr...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $494.07 - $592.89
  • Charnay, Désiré. The Ancient Cities of the New World, Being Voyges and Explorations in Mexico and Central America... New York, 1887.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
    Lot 35

    Charnay, Désiré. The Ancient Cities of the New World,...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
  • Wells, William V. Explorations and Adventures in Honduras. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1857. Una lámina y un mapa.
    MXN$4,500 - MXN$6,000 $222.33 - $296.44
    Lot 36

    Wells, William V. Explorations and Adventures in Hondur...

    MXN$4,500 - MXN$6,000 $222.33 - $296.44
  • Burton, Richard F. The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1862.
    MXN$4,500 - MXN$6,000 $222.33 - $296.44
    Lot 37

    Burton, Richard F. The City of the Saints, and Across t...

    MXN$4,500 - MXN$6,000 $222.33 - $296.44
  • Burton, Richard Francis. Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains. An Exploration. London, 1863. Piezas: 2.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
    Lot 38

    Burton, Richard Francis. Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mou...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
  • Burton, Richard Francis. A Mission To Gelele, King of Dahome... London, 1864. Piezas: 2.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
    Lot 39

    Burton, Richard Francis. A Mission To Gelele, King of D...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
  • Combier, Cyprien. Voyage au Golfe de Californie, Nuits de la Zone Torride. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, Editeur, ca. 1863.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
    Lot 40

    Combier, Cyprien. Voyage au Golfe de Californie, Nuits ...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $345.85 - $444.66
  • Ober, Fred A. / Evans, Albert S. Obras sobre Viajeros en México, Segunda Mitad del Siglo XIX. Pzs: 3.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
    Lot 41

    Ober, Fred A. / Evans, Albert S. Obras sobre Viajeros e...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
  • Rivera, Agustín. Viaje a las Ruinas de Chicomoztoc / Viaje a las Ruinas del Fuerte del Sombrero/ Confirmación que Hace... 1875 y 1912.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
    Lot 42

    Rivera, Agustín. Viaje a las Ruinas de Chicomoztoc / V...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
  • Fidel (Guillermo Prieto). Viaje a los Estados Unidos. México, 1878. Tomos II y III (tomo III, repetido). Piezas: 3.
Piezas: 3.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
    Lot 43

    Fidel (Guillermo Prieto). Viaje a los Estados Unidos. M...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
  • Bianchi, Alberto G. Los Estados Unidos. Descripciones de Viaje. México: Editor N. Lugo Viña, 1887.
    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $197.63 - $296.44
    Lot 44

    Bianchi, Alberto G. Los Estados Unidos. Descripciones d...

    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $197.63 - $296.44
  • Torre, Juan de la / Vanegas, Aurelio J. / Menéndez, Gabriel Antonio. Bosquejo Histórico y Estadístico de la Ciudad de México... Pzas: 3
    MXN$3,000 - MXN$4,000 $148.22 - $197.63
    Lot 45

    Torre, Juan de la / Vanegas, Aurelio J. / Menéndez, Ga...

    MXN$3,000 - MXN$4,000 $148.22 - $197.63
  • Ferry, Gabriel (Luis de Bellemare). Escenas de la Vida Mejicana. Barcelona: Alejandro Martínez, Editor, ca. 1900.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
    Lot 46A

    Ferry, Gabriel (Luis de Bellemare). Escenas de la Vida ...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $395.26 - $494.07
  • Ortíz Echagüe, José. España. Madrid: Publicaciones Ortíz Echagüe - Distribuidor Editorial Mayfe, 1954, 1957, 1959 y 1971. Piezas: 4.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
    Lot 46B

    Ortíz Echagüe, José. España. Madrid: Publicaciones ...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $296.44 - $395.26
  • Claudio de Arciniega. Plano de la Catedral Metropolitana. México, ca. 1569. Tinta sepia y gris sobre papel, 57 x 42 cm. Enmarcado.
    MXN$1,500,000 - MXN$2,000,000 $74,110.67 - $98,814.23
    Lot 47

    Claudio de Arciniega. Plano de la Catedral Metropolitan...

    MXN$1,500,000 - MXN$2,000,000 $74,110.67 - $98,814.23

Auction Description

Subasta Libros y Documentos de Exploradores y Viajeros, Mapas, Vistas, Ciencia y Religión by Morton Subastas


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