Oct 28, 06:00PM EDT

Graphic Work and Photography Auction.

Auction ended

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288 Results
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  • MARC CHAGALL , Le couple à L´Arbre, Sin firma, Litografía sin número de tiraje, 32 x 24 cm | MARC CHAGALL , Le couple à L´Arbre, Unsigned, Litho
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
    Lot 243

    MARC CHAGALL , Le couple à L´Arbre, Sin firma, Litogr...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
  • RAOUL DUFY, The brother on the beach, Firmado en placa, Grabado al aguafuerte s/n, 21 x 30 cm | RAOUL DUFY, The brother on the beach, Signed on plate,
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
    Lot 244

    RAOUL DUFY, The brother on the beach, Firmado en placa,...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
  • MARC CHAGALL, The Anemones, Sin firma, Litografía sin número de tiraje, 32 x 24 cm | MARC CHAGALL, The Anemones, Unsigned, Lithography without print
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
    Lot 245

    MARC CHAGALL, The Anemones, Sin firma, Litografía sin ...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
  • PABLO PICASSO, El toro negro, de la serie Toros y Toreros, Firmada en plancha, Litografía s/n, 27 x 37 cm| PABLO PICASSO, El toro negro, from the ser
    MXN$42,000 - MXN$60,000 $2,065.91 - $2,951.30
    Lot 246

    PABLO PICASSO, El toro negro, de la serie Toros y Torer...

    MXN$42,000 - MXN$60,000 $2,065.91 - $2,951.30
  • PABLO PICASSO, De la carpeta Portraits Imaginaires, 1969, Firmada y fechada en plancha 30.3.69, Litografia sin tiraje, 71 x 50 cm | PABLO PICASSO, Fro
    MXN$40,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,967.54 - $2,459.42
    Lot 247

    PABLO PICASSO, De la carpeta Portraits Imaginaires, 196...

    MXN$40,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,967.54 - $2,459.42
  • PABLO PICASSO, Loco, Firmada y fechada 1934, Litografía 150 / 500, 80 x 31.5 cm | PABLO PICASSO, Loco, Signed and dated 1934, Lithography 150 / 500,
    MXN$75,000 - MXN$120,000 $3,689.13 - $5,902.61
    Lot 248

    PABLO PICASSO, Loco, Firmada y fechada 1934, Litografí...

    MXN$75,000 - MXN$120,000 $3,689.13 - $5,902.61
  • ALBERTO GIACOMETTI, Derrière Le Miroir, Sin firma, Litografías y reproducciones, en revista, 38 x  29 cm c/u | ALBERTO GIACOMETTI, Derrière Le Miro
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
    Lot 249

    ALBERTO GIACOMETTI, Derrière Le Miroir, Sin firma, Lit...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
  • SALVADOR DALÍ, Le repos du chevalier, Firmado Grabado al aguatinta 56 / 225, 45 x 54 cm | SALVADOR DALÍ, Le repos du chevalier, Signed, Aquatint eng
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
    Lot 250

    SALVADOR DALÍ, Le repos du chevalier, Firmado Grabado ...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
  • PAUL CÉZAANE, Tête de femme, Firmado en placa, Grabado al aguafuerte sin número de tiraje, 12 x 9.6 cm | PAUL CÉZAANE, Tête de femme, Signed on p
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$18,000 $491.88 - $885.39
    Lot 251

    PAUL CÉZAANE, Tête de femme, Firmado en placa, Grabad...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$18,000 $491.88 - $885.39
  • RENÉ MAGRITTE, La peine perdue, 2010, Firmada con sello, Lirografía sobre Vélin de Rives 53/275, 47 x 38 cm | RENÉ MAGRITTE, La peine perdue, 2010
    MXN$28,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,377.27 - $2,459.42
    Lot 252

    RENÉ MAGRITTE, La peine perdue, 2010, Firmada con sell...

    MXN$28,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,377.27 - $2,459.42
  • SALVADOR DALÍ, Apparition de ma cousine Carolinetta sur la plage de Rosas, Firmada Litografía 281 / 300 | SALVADOR DALÍ, Apparition de ma cousine C
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
    Lot 253

    SALVADOR DALÍ, Apparition de ma cousine Carolinetta su...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
  • RENÉ MAGRITTE, Sin título, Firmada con sello Litografía 26 / 300, 25 x 32 cm | RENÉ MAGRITTE, Untitled, Signed with stamp, Lithography 26 / 300, 9
    MXN$36,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,770.78 - $2,459.42
    Lot 254

    RENÉ MAGRITTE, Sin título, Firmada con sello Litograf...

    MXN$36,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,770.78 - $2,459.42
  • SALVADOR DALÍ, The temptation of St. Anthony, Firmada Litografía 107 / 199, 34 x 48 cm | SALVADOR DALÍ, The temptation of St. Anthony, Signed, Lith
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
    Lot 255

    SALVADOR DALÍ, The temptation of St. Anthony, Firmada ...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
  • JOAN MIRÓ, Cartel para la Exposición "Tres Libres de Joan Miró en Osaka", 1970, Firmada con monograma Litografóa H.C. 76 x 56 cm | JOAN MIRÓ, Car
    MXN$26,000 - MXN$36,000 $1,278.90 - $1,770.78
    Lot 256

    JOAN MIRÓ, Cartel para la Exposición "Tres Libres de ...

    MXN$26,000 - MXN$36,000 $1,278.90 - $1,770.78
  • SALVADOR DALÍ, L'Age d'Or, de la suite Don Quichotte de la Mancha, 1957, Firmada, Litografía 151 / 300, 40 x 60 cm | SALVADOR DALÍ, L'Age d'Or, fro
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
    Lot 257

    SALVADOR DALÍ, L'Age d'Or, de la suite Don Quichotte d...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
  • EDUARDO CHILLIDA, Sans titre, 1999, Firmada en plancha, Litografía O 946 / 1000, 45 x 32.2 cm | EDUARDO CHILLIDA, Sans titre, 1999, Signed on plate,
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$15,000 $393.51 - $737.83
    Lot 258

    EDUARDO CHILLIDA, Sans titre, 1999, Firmada en plancha,...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$15,000 $393.51 - $737.83
  • ANTONI TÁPIES, Llambrec 12, 1975, Firmada, Litografía 18 / 75, 47 x 38 cm medida de la plancha 76 x 56 cm medidades totales del papel | ANTONI TÁPI
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
    Lot 259

    ANTONI TÁPIES, Llambrec 12, 1975, Firmada, Litografía...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$30,000 $983.77 - $1,475.65
  • SALVADOR DALÍ, Chante 26: rencontre de deux trompes de luxurieux, Sin firma Litografía s/n, 32.8 x 26.4 cm c/u, con documento. | SALVADOR DALÍ, Cha
    MXN$50,000 - MXN$70,000 $2,459.42 - $3,443.19
    Lot 260

    SALVADOR DALÍ, Chante 26: rencontre de deux trompes de...

    MXN$50,000 - MXN$70,000 $2,459.42 - $3,443.19
  • SALVADOR DALÍ, La última cena, Firmada, Litografía 158 / 350, 39 x 62.5 cm | SALVADOR DALÍ, La última cena, Signed, Lithograph 158 / 350, 15.3 x
    MXN$22,000 - MXN$32,000 $1,082.14 - $1,574.03
    Lot 261

    SALVADOR DALÍ, La última cena, Firmada, Litografía 1...

    MXN$22,000 - MXN$32,000 $1,082.14 - $1,574.03
  • BARRY WOLFRYD, Road trip to Desire, Firmada, Serigrafía 26 / 50, 60 x 85 cm | BARRY WOLFRYD, Road trip to Desire, Signed, Serigraph 26 / 50, 23.6 x 3
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
    Lot 262

    BARRY WOLFRYD, Road trip to Desire, Firmada, Serigrafí...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
  • FERNANDO PENHOS ZAGA, JAIP, Firmada y fechada 21 al frente y al reverso, Serigrafía intervenida s/n, 25 x 34 cm | FERNANDO PENHOS ZAGA, JAIP, Signed
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$10,000 $295.13 - $491.88
    Lot 263

    FERNANDO PENHOS ZAGA, JAIP, Firmada y fechada 21 al fre...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$10,000 $295.13 - $491.88
  • RICHARD WOLFRYD, El toro, Firmada y fechada 2021 al reverso Vinil y chaquiras sobre MDF T P, 89 x 96 cm | RICHARD WOLFRYD, El toro, Signed and dated 2
    MXN$18,000 - MXN$26,000 $885.39 - $1,278.90
    Lot 264

    RICHARD WOLFRYD, El toro, Firmada y fechada 2021 al rev...

    MXN$18,000 - MXN$26,000 $885.39 - $1,278.90
  • ANDY WARHOL, II:22 Marilyn Monroe, Con sello en la parte posterior, Serigrafía s/n, 91.4 x 91.4 cm | ANDY WARHOL, II:22 Marilyn Monroe, Stamp on the
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
    Lot 265

    ANDY WARHOL, II:22 Marilyn Monroe, Con sello en la part...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
  • RICHARD WOLFRYD, Heart in a hanconm and butterflie, Firmada Impresión digital 1 / 10, 91 x 76 cm | RICHARD WOLFRYD, Heart in a hanconm and butterflie
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
    Lot 266

    RICHARD WOLFRYD, Heart in a hanconm and butterflie, Fir...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
  • ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Crack I Now, Mes Petits . Pour La france I, 1963, Firmada Litografía Offset s/n, 51 x 72 cm | ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Crack I Now, Mes Pe
    MXN$60,000 - MXN$70,000 $2,951.30 - $3,443.19
    Lot 267

    ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Crack I Now, Mes Petits . Pour La fra...

    MXN$60,000 - MXN$70,000 $2,951.30 - $3,443.19
  • RICHARD WOLFRYD, Helix wonderful, Firmada Impresión digital 45 / 50, 85 x 64 cm | RICHARD WOLFRYD, Helix wonderful, Signed, Digital print 45 / 50, 33
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
    Lot 268

    RICHARD WOLFRYD, Helix wonderful, Firmada Impresión di...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
  • ANDY WARHOL, IIIA.58 (e): The scream (After Munch), Con sello en la parte posterior, Serigrafia 206 / 150o, 90 x 64 cm, Con certificado | ANDY WARHOL,
    MXN$18,000 - MXN$26,000 $885.39 - $1,278.90
    Lot 269

    ANDY WARHOL, IIIA.58 (e): The scream (After Munch), Con...

    MXN$18,000 - MXN$26,000 $885.39 - $1,278.90
  • ANDY WARHOL, II.65 Flowers, Con sello en la parte posterior , Serigrafía s / n de tiraje, 91.4 x 91.4 cm, Con certificado | ANDY WARHOL, II.65 Flower
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
    Lot 270

    ANDY WARHOL, II.65 Flowers, Con sello en la parte poste...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
  • ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Open as fire, 1966, Firmadas, Serigrafías s/n, 61 x 49, Con sello, piezas: 3 | ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Open as fire, 1966, Signed, Serigr
    MXN$100,000 - MXN$150,000 $4,918.84 - $7,378.26
    Lot 271

    ROY LICHTENSTEIN, Open as fire, 1966, Firmadas, Serigra...

    MXN$100,000 - MXN$150,000 $4,918.84 - $7,378.26
  • ANDY WARHOL, 11: 59 Campbell's Soup II, Oyster Stew, Con sello en la parte posterior, Serigrafía s/n de tiraje, 81 x 48 cm | ANDY WARHOL, 11: 59 Camp
    MXN$15,000 - MXN$24,000 $737.83 - $1,180.52
    Lot 272

    ANDY WARHOL, 11: 59 Campbell's Soup II, Oyster Stew, Co...

    MXN$15,000 - MXN$24,000 $737.83 - $1,180.52
  • ANDY WARHOL, II:45 Chicken Noudle Soup, Con sello en la parte posterior, Serigrafía s/n, 81 x 48 cm | ANDY WARHOL, II:45 Chicken Noudle Soup, Stamp o
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
    Lot 273

    ANDY WARHOL, II:45 Chicken Noudle Soup, Con sello en la...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
  • ANDY WARHOL, II:46 Campbell's Tomato Soup, Con sello en la parte posterior, Serigrafía s/n, 81 x 48 cm | ANDY WARHOL, II:46 Campbell's Tomato Soup, S
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
    Lot 274

    ANDY WARHOL, II:46 Campbell's Tomato Soup, Con sello en...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$15,000 $491.88 - $737.83
  • ANDY WARHOL, 11.57: Campbell's New England clam chowder soup, Con sello en la parte posteior, Serigrafía s/n de tiraje, 81 x 48 cm | ANDY WARHOL, 11.
    MXN$14,000 - MXN$24,000 $688.64 - $1,180.52
    Lot 275

    ANDY WARHOL, 11.57: Campbell's New England clam chowder...

    MXN$14,000 - MXN$24,000 $688.64 - $1,180.52
  • ANDY WARHOL, IIIA.58 (c): The scream (After Munch), Con sello en la parte posterior, Serigrafia 206 / 1500, 90 x 64 cm, Con certificado | ANDY WARHOL,
    MXN$18,000 - MXN$26,000 $885.39 - $1,278.90
    Lot 276

    ANDY WARHOL, IIIA.58 (c): The scream (After Munch), Con...

    MXN$18,000 - MXN$26,000 $885.39 - $1,278.90
  • ANDY WARHOL, II.73 Flowers, Con sello en la parte posterior, Serigrafía s / n de tiraje, 91.4 x 91.4 cm, Con certificado | ANDY WARHOL, II.73 Flowers
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
    Lot 277

    ANDY WARHOL, II.73 Flowers, Con sello en la parte poste...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$12,000 $393.51 - $590.26
  • JAVIER LOMELÍ PONCE, Meditación, Firmada, Impresión digital en color sobre papel de algodón liso de 310g, 100 x 57 cm, con certificado. | JAVIER L
    MXN$15,000 - MXN$20,000 $737.83 - $983.77
    Lot 278

    JAVIER LOMELÍ PONCE, Meditación, Firmada, Impresión ...

    MXN$15,000 - MXN$20,000 $737.83 - $983.77
  • JAVIER LOMELÍ PONCE, Meditación, Firmada, Impresión digital en color sobre papel Canosn Baryta 520, 69 x 97 cm, con certificado. | JAVIER LOMELÍ P
    MXN$15,000 - MXN$20,000 $737.83 - $983.77
    Lot 279

    JAVIER LOMELÍ PONCE, Meditación, Firmada, Impresión ...

    MXN$15,000 - MXN$20,000 $737.83 - $983.77
  • JUAN SAN JUAN REBOLLAR, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada y fechada 2012 Piezografía, 33 x 33 cm | JUAN SAN JUAN REBOLLAR,
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 280

    JUAN SAN JUAN REBOLLAR, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • PABLO SOTRES CASTREJÓN, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada y fechada 2015 Piezografía, 27 x 40 cm | PABLO SOTRES CASTREJÓN
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 281

    PABLO SOTRES CASTREJÓN, Morelos, un estado en la Mirad...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • ÁNGELES TORREJÓN, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada Piezografía, 40 x 27 cm | ÁNGELES TORREJÓN, Morelos, un estado en l
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 282

    ÁNGELES TORREJÓN, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de ...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • LUIS ANTONIO VALDÉS MARTÍNEZ, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada Piezografía, 40 x 27 cm | LUIS ANTONIO VALDÉS MARTÍNEZ,
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 283

    LUIS ANTONIO VALDÉS MARTÍNEZ, Morelos, un estado en l...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • ENRIQUE VILLASEÑOR GARCÍA, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada y fechada 2015 Piezografía, 27 x 40 cm | ENRIQUE VILLASEÑOR
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 284

    ENRIQUE VILLASEÑOR GARCÍA, Morelos, un estado en la M...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • FERNANDO ÁNGEL SOTO VIDAL, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada y fechada 1996 Piezografía, 27 x 40 cm | FERNANDO ÁNGEL SOTO
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 285

    FERNANDO ÁNGEL SOTO VIDAL, Morelos, un estado en la Mi...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • JORGE SALGADO PONCE, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada y fechada 2014 Piezografía, 27 x 40 cm | JORGE SALGADO PONCE, Morelo
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 286

    JORGE SALGADO PONCE, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • OTTO SIRGO, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada Piezografía, 40 x 27 cm | OTTO SIRGO, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 287

    OTTO SIRGO, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotÃ...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • LOURDES SÁNCHEZ PUIG, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada y fechada 2013 Piezografía, 40 x 27 cm | LOURDES SÁNCHEZ PUIG, Mo
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 288

    LOURDES SÁNCHEZ PUIG, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada ...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • LUZ DOLORES SÁNCHEZ NAGORE, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada Piezografía, 40 x 27cm | LUZ DOLORES SÁNCHEZ NAGORE, Morelo
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 289

    LUZ DOLORES SÁNCHEZ NAGORE, Morelos, un estado en la M...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
  • PATRICIA TORRE GENOVÉS, Morelos, un estado en la Mirada de los fotógrafos, Firmada Piezografía, 40 x 27 cm | PATRICIA TORRE GENOVÉS, Morelos, un e
    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88
    Lot 290

    PATRICIA TORRE GENOVÉS, Morelos, un estado en la Mirad...

    MXN$5,000 - MXN$10,000 $245.94 - $491.88

Auction Description

Graphic Work and Photography Auction. by Morton Subastas


Antes de ofertar | Before you bid

Para participar en la Subasta Obra Gráfica y Fotografía su registro fue aprobado con un límite para ofertar de $10,000 pesos mexicanos. Si usted desea ofertar una cantidad mayor será necesario hacer un depósito en garantía de $20,000 pesos mexicanos y el límite será eliminado. Puede hacer este depósito aquí o a través de Paypal usando la dirección

Nuestro Buyer's Premium es de 20% sobre el precio final más 3% de comisión de la plataforma Bidsquare.


To bid in our Graphic Work & Photography Auction your registration will be automatically approved with a bid limit of $10,000 Mexican pesos. If you wish to bid a larger amount it will be necessary to make a guarantee deposit of $ 20,000 Mexican pesos and the limit will be eliminated. You can make this deposit here or through Paypal using the address

Our Buyer's Premium is 20% on the hammer price, plus 3% Bidsquare fee.

If you want detailed information about any piece of your interest, detail photographs or learn about provenance, send an email to

¡Suerte en la Subasta!


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Morton Subastas
CDMX, CDMX 11529

Phone:+52 5552833140

Buyer’s Premium

Start Premium (%)
MXN$0 23.00

Bid Increments

Start Increments (MXN$)
MXN$0 MXN$100
MXN$1,000 MXN$200
MXN$1,200 MXN$300
MXN$1,500 MXN$300
MXN$1,800 MXN$200
MXN$2,000 MXN$200
MXN$2,200 MXN$300
MXN$2,500 MXN$300
MXN$2,800 MXN$200
MXN$3,000 MXN$200
MXN$3,200 MXN$300
MXN$3,500 MXN$300
MXN$3,800 MXN$200
MXN$4,000 MXN$200
MXN$4,200 MXN$300
MXN$4,500 MXN$300
MXN$4,800 MXN$200
MXN$5,000 MXN$500
MXN$10,000 MXN$1,000
MXN$20,000 MXN$2,000
MXN$50,000 MXN$5,000
MXN$100,000 MXN$10,000
MXN$300,000 MXN$20,000
MXN$500,000 MXN$50,000
MXN$1,000,000 MXN$100,000


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De acuerdo a lo establecido en el Artículo 16, de la Ley Federal sobre Monumentos y Zonas piezas previamente a la subasta y traer a su experto dentro del horario de exposición. Arqueológicos, Artísticos e Históricos y el Artículo 37 de su Reglamento; es necesario realizar el trámite INAH-00-005 para obtener el PERMISO DE EXPORTACIÓN TEMPORAL O DEFINITIVA DE MONUMENTOS O BIENES MUEBLES HISTÓRICOS. Para realizar dicho trámite es necesario ingresar a en la opción de exportación y transporte. Once you have purchased the lots you are interested in, Morton Subastas can offer a shipping solution. This shipping company will be able to answer any questions you may have in regards to delivery, either before or after the auction has been completed.

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TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BUY DURING THE AUCTION 1. The terms and conditions herein are applied to the Morton Subastas, SA de CV. "the auction house" and/ or those of the catalog which is available at the "Galeria". Bidding 2. That the personnel of the auction house makes effective the bids on your behalf during the Auction in which you are registered and only for the pieces described herein, up to the amount put in the top limit bid. Bid limit 3. That no limit bids are permitted. Responsibility 4. That the auction house in any case and by no means is responsible for the adjudication of the piece(s) for which you made absentee bids. One More Bid 5. That in the case that the maximum amount previously set up by you as top limit bid is equal to the last one made in the Room, you are willing to authorize one more bid in accordance to the established in the Absentee Bid Form (One more bid is authorized). In the case that the correspondent blank is not duly filled in it is understood you do not accept to come to one more bid. Assignation 6. That in the case that two or more absentee bids may appear for the same piece and for the same amount stated in the top limit bid and that there is not a higher bid in the room, the piece will be adjudicated to the Absentee Bid received first by the "Morton Subastas". 7. That the decision for the adjudication shall be expressed by the auction house and cannot be appealed, as such, you are willing to renounce from now on to any other right against the auction house or its representatives, for any conflict or dispute that may arise for this cause. Requirements 8. That the auction house will not make effective the Absentee Bid if the following requirements are not satisfied: a) This document should be duly filled in and signed it in agreement, indicating clearly the lot number of the piece you are interested in and established the top limit bid. b) This document should be delivered only to the authorized personnel at least the day of the Auction in the address of the auction house. c) To submit a deposit as a guarantee for the payment of the piece and other amounts generated by the adjudication of the piece. The deposit should be in an amount equal to and under the name of the auction house. Payment Conditions 9. If the piece is adjudicated, to pay the price of the piece plus the twenty percent (20%) of such amount as a commission fee, plus the value added tax of sixteen percent (16%) calculated over the commission. To internet live bidders an additional 3% premium will be charged as an Internet user fee. If payment is done with a credit card an extra charge of six point six (6.6 %) percent will be added to the total amount to be paid as a commission fee. Online bids are welcome and under preregistration and authorization by an auction house agent. Bidder should be contacted prior the auction to verify credit card information. A twenty percent (20%) commission fee from the auction house will be added to the buyer plus a three percent (3%) Internet platform commission fee plus sixteen percent (16%) TAX calculated only on the 20% commision fee. No exception will be made to international customers when paying 16% tax. The auction house is not responsible for any failure on internet connection, light supply or any other technical failure. Transport / Shipping The auction house will help arrange transportation on buyers charge. The auction house will no be responsible for loss or damage of goods purchased during the auction. Goods will be sent by the shipping company provided by the auction house which has no partnership/business relationship with the auction house itself. Buyer will be fully responsible for any import taxes that may come from the goods purchases during the auction by the buyer. Confidentiality 11. The information contained herein is considered confidential and the disclosure entitles to the payment of damages and losses that may arise from such fact. De acuerdo a lo establecido en el Artículo 16, de la Ley Federal sobre Monumentos y Zonas piezas previamente a la subasta y traer a su experto dentro del horario de exposición. Arqueológicos, Artísticos e Históricos y el Artículo 37 de su Reglamento; es necesario realizar el trámite INAH-00-005 para obtener el PERMISO DE EXPORTACIÓN TEMPORAL O DEFINITIVA DE MONUMENTOS O BIENES MUEBLES HISTÓRICOS. Para realizar dicho trámite es necesario ingresar a en la opción de exportación y transporte.