Jan 28, 06:00PM EST

Books by International Travelers and Explorers

Auction ended

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270 Results
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  • Abbé Raynal. A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade. London, 1798. Volumes I - VI. Pieces: 6
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
    Lot 1

    Abbé Raynal. A Philosophical and Political History of ...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
  • Baz, Gustavo / Flandrau, Charles Macomb. Un Año en México ("A Year in Mexico") / Viva México! 1887 / 1909. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
    Lot 2

    Baz, Gustavo / Flandrau, Charles Macomb. Un Año en Mé...

    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
  • Beulloch, M. Le Mexique en 1823, ou Relation d'un Voyage dans la Nouvelle Espagne... Paris, 1824. Volumes I-II and Atlas. Pieces: 3.
    MXN$40,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,958.86 - $2,448.58
    Lot 3

    Beulloch, M. Le Mexique en 1823, ou Relation d'un Voyag...

    MXN$40,000 - MXN$50,000 $1,958.86 - $2,448.58
  • Burton, Richard Francis. A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. With Notices of the So-called "Amazons"... London, 1893.  Pieces: 2.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
    Lot 4

    Burton, Richard Francis. A Mission to Gelele, King of D...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
  • Camacho, Rafael S. Itinerario de Roma a Jerusalén ("Itinerary from Rome to Jerusalem"). Guadalajara: Typography by Dionisio Rodríguez, 1873. 12 shee
    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
    Lot 5

    Camacho, Rafael S. Itinerario de Roma a Jerusalén ("It...

    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
  • Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de. Histoire et Description Générale de la Nouvelle France... Paris, 1744. Pieces: 6.
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
    Lot 6

    Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de. Histoire et Des...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
  • Charnay, Désiré. Les Anciennes Villes du Nouveau Monde. Voyages d'Explorations au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale. Paris, 1885.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
    Lot 7

    Charnay, Désiré. Les Anciennes Villes du Nouveau Mond...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
  • Charton, Eduardo / Wiener, Carlos / Dumas, F. G. La Vuelta al Mundo / América Pintoresca / Revista de la Exposición Universal. Pieces: 3.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
    Lot 8

    Charton, Eduardo / Wiener, Carlos / Dumas, F. G. La Vue...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
  • Charton, M. Eduardo. Los Viajeros Modernos o Relaciones de los Viajes más Interesantes é Instructivos. París: 1860 - 1861. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
    Lot 9

    Charton, M. Eduardo. Los Viajeros Modernos o Relaciones...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
  • D'Orbigny, M. Alcide. Voyage Pittoresque dans les Deux Amériques. Paris: Chez L. Tenre - Libraire, 1836. First edition.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
    Lot 10

    D'Orbigny, M. Alcide. Voyage Pittoresque dans les Deux ...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
  • Du Perier (Jean Baptiste Morvan de Bellegarde). A General History of all Voyages and Travels Throughout the Old and New World. 1708.
    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $783.55 - $979.43
    Lot 11

    Du Perier (Jean Baptiste Morvan de Bellegarde). A Gener...

    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $783.55 - $979.43
  • Fransham, John. The World in Miniature: or, the Entertaining Traveller. London: John Torbuck, 1741. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
    Lot 12

    Fransham, John. The World in Miniature: or, the Enterta...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
  • Gage, Thomas. Nouvelle Relation Contenant les Voyages de Thomas Gage. Amsterdam: Chez Paul Marret, 1721. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
    Lot 13

    Gage, Thomas. Nouvelle Relation Contenant les Voyages d...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
  • Galleria Universale di Tutti i Popoli del Mondo. Storia dei Costumi, Religioni, Armi, Riti, Governi... 1841. 36 Lithographs.
    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
    Lot 14

    Galleria Universale di Tutti i Popoli del Mondo. Storia...

    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
  • Galván Rivera, Mariano / Regual, José. La Tierra Santa / Historia Cronológica del Pueblo Hebreo.  México, 1842 / 1852. Pieces: 4.
    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
    Lot 15

    Galván Rivera, Mariano / Regual, José. La Tierra Sant...

    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
  • Gemelli Careri, Giovanni Francesco. Voyage du Tour du Monde. Nouvelle Espagne. Paris: Chez Etienne Ganeau, 1727.
    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $587.66 - $734.57
    Lot 16

    Gemelli Careri, Giovanni Francesco. Voyage du Tour du M...

    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $587.66 - $734.57
  • Genin, Augusto. El Robinson Español. Madrid - Barcelona: Espasa - Calpe, 1927. Dedicated and signed by the author. First edition.
    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
    Lot 17

    Genin, Augusto. El Robinson Español. Madrid - Barcelon...

    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
  • González de Mendoza, Juan. Histoire du Grand Royaume de la Chine, Situé Aux Indes Orientales. [Genève]: Jean Arnaud, 1606.
    MXN$30,000 - MXN$40,000 $1,469.15 - $1,958.86
    Lot 18

    González de Mendoza, Juan. Histoire du Grand Royaume d...

    MXN$30,000 - MXN$40,000 $1,469.15 - $1,958.86
  • Guides and Works by Travelers, Geography and History, 19th & 20th Centuries. Titles include: Alexander von Humbolt/ Le Tour du Monde...Pieces: 20.
    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
    Lot 19

    Guides and Works by Travelers, Geography and History, 1...

    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
  • Hale, E. E. / Leclercq, Jules / Hale, Susan... A Family Flight Through Mexico / Voyage au Mexique / Mexico.. 19th Century. Pieces: 4.
    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
    Lot 20

    Hale, E. E. / Leclercq, Jules / Hale, Susan... A Family...

    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
  • Harpe, Jean-Francois de la. Abrégé de L'Histoire Générale des Voyages, Contenant ce qu'il y a de plus Remarquable. Amérique. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
    Lot 21

    Harpe, Jean-Francois de la. Abrégé de L'Histoire Gén...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
  • Harpe, Jean-François de la. Abrégé de l'Histoire Générale des Voyages, Contenant ce qu'il y a de plus Remarquable. 3ème voyage de Cook.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
    Lot 22

    Harpe, Jean-François de la. Abrégé de l'Histoire Gé...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
  • Harpe, Jean-François de la. Abrégé de L' Histoire Générale des Voyages, Contenant ce qu' il y a de plus Remarquable. Pieces: 3.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
    Lot 23

    Harpe, Jean-François de la. Abrégé de L' Histoire GÃ...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
  • Hawkesworth, John. Rélation des Voyages Entrepris par Ordre de sa Majesté Britanique; pour Faire des Découvertes, 1774. Pieces: 4.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
    Lot 24

    Hawkesworth, John. Rélation des Voyages Entrepris par ...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
  • Hughes, John T. Doniphan's Expedition; Containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico; General Kearney's Overland Expedition...
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
    Lot 25

    Hughes, John T. Doniphan's Expedition; Containing an Ac...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
  • Humboldt, Alexander von - Bonpland, Aimé. Viage a las Regiones Equinocciales del Nuevo Continente. Paris, 1826.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
    Lot 26

    Humboldt, Alexander von - Bonpland, Aimé. Viage a las ...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
  • Humboldt, Alexander von. Ensayo Político Sobre el Reino de la Nueva España. Paris: En Casa de Rosa, 1822. Maps. Pieces: 4
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
    Lot 27

    Humboldt, Alexander von. Ensayo Político Sobre el Rein...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
  • Humboldt, Alexander von. Cosmos Ensayo de una Descripción Física del Mundo. Madrid: Imprenta de Gaspar y Roig, 1874. Pieces: 4.
    MXN$3,000 - MXN$4,000 $146.91 - $195.89
    Lot 28

    Humboldt, Alexander von. Cosmos Ensayo de una Descripci...

    MXN$3,000 - MXN$4,000 $146.91 - $195.89
  • Jordan, John. Serious Actual Dangers of Foreigners and Foreign Commerce in the Mexican States... Philadelphia, 1826.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
    Lot 29

    Jordan, John. Serious Actual Dangers of Foreigners and ...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
  • Labillardière, M. An Account of a Voyage in Search of La Pérouse. London: J. Debrett, Piccadilly, 1800. First edition.
    MXN$24,000 - MXN$28,000 $1,175.32 - $1,371.20
    Lot 30

    Labillardière, M. An Account of a Voyage in Search of ...

    MXN$24,000 - MXN$28,000 $1,175.32 - $1,371.20
  • Law Olmsted, Frederick. A Journey Through Texas; or, A Saddle-Trip on the Southern Frontier. New York: Dix, Edwards& Co., 1857.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
    Lot 31

    Law Olmsted, Frederick. A Journey Through Texas; or, A ...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
  • Lombardo de Miramón, Concepción. Elba, Portoferraio / Archipiélago Toscano. 1924. Illustrated Manuscripts. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $195.89 - $293.83
    Lot 32

    Lombardo de Miramón, Concepción. Elba, Portoferraio /...

    MXN$4,000 - MXN$6,000 $195.89 - $293.83
  • Malanco, Luis / Geramb, María José de. Viaje a Oriente / La Tierra Santa. México: 1882-83 / 1854. Pieces: 3.
    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
    Lot 33

    Malanco, Luis / Geramb, María José de. Viaje a Orient...

    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
  • Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. Historia en España de las Indias del Nuovo Mondo (Naufragios). Madrid, 1996. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
    Lot 34

    Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. Historia en España de l...

    MXN$7,000 - MXN$9,000 $342.80 - $440.74
  • Pinkerton, John. A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. London, 1811.
    MXN$9,000 - MXN$11,000 $440.74 - $538.69
    Lot 35

    Pinkerton, John. A General Collection of the Best and M...

    MXN$9,000 - MXN$11,000 $440.74 - $538.69
  • Poinsett, Joel. Notes on Mexico, Made in the Autumn of 1822. Accompanied by an Historical Sketch of the Revolution and Translations...
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
    Lot 36

    Poinsett, Joel. Notes on Mexico, Made in the Autumn of ...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
  • Prévost, Antoine François. Histoire Générale des Voyages ou Nouvelle Collection de Toutes les Relations de Voyage. Paris, 1754. Pieces:2.
    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
    Lot 37

    Prévost, Antoine François. Histoire Générale des Vo...

    MXN$20,000 - MXN$24,000 $979.43 - $1,175.32
  • Prévost, Antoine François. Histoire Générale des Voïages, ou Nouvelle Collection de Toutes les Relations... Paris, 1759. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
    Lot 38

    Prévost, Antoine François. Histoire Générale des Vo...

    MXN$10,000 - MXN$12,000 $489.72 - $587.66
  • Rankin, Melinda/ Ward Banks, Helen/ Hale, S.S. Books by Travelers in Mexico. Pieces: 3.
    MXN$4,500 - MXN$5,000 $220.37 - $244.86
    Lot 39

    Rankin, Melinda/ Ward Banks, Helen/ Hale, S.S. Books by...

    MXN$4,500 - MXN$5,000 $220.37 - $244.86
  • Santacilia, Jorge Juan-Ulloa, Antonio de. A Voyage to South America.  Describing at Large, the Spanish Cities... London, 1760. Pieces: 2.
    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $783.55 - $979.43
    Lot 40

    Santacilia, Jorge Juan-Ulloa, Antonio de. A Voyage to S...

    MXN$16,000 - MXN$20,000 $783.55 - $979.43
  • Stuart, Martinus. De Mensch Zoo Als Hij Voorkomt op den Bekenden Aardbol. Amsterdam, 1805. Eight colored lithographs.
    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
    Lot 41

    Stuart, Martinus. De Mensch Zoo Als Hij Voorkomt op den...

    MXN$1,500 - MXN$2,000 $73.46 - $97.94
  • Tylor, Edward B. Anahuac or Mexico and the Mexicans Ancient and Modern. London: Longmans, Green, 1861. Four colored lithographs..
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
    Lot 42

    Tylor, Edward B. Anahuac or Mexico and the Mexicans Anc...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
  • Chevalier, Michel. Le Mexique Ancien et Moderne/ Le Mexique et l'Amerique Tropicale/ Coup d'Oeil sur les Richesses... Pieces: 3.
    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
    Lot 43

    Chevalier, Michel. Le Mexique Ancien et Moderne/ Le Mex...

    MXN$8,000 - MXN$10,000 $391.77 - $489.72
  • Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas Fait en M.DCCXIV, &c. par Ordre de Louis XIV dans la Turquie, l'Asie, Sourie... Volumes I - III. Pieces: 3.
    MXN$22,000 - MXN$26,000 $1,077.38 - $1,273.26
    Lot 44

    Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas Fait en M.DCCXIV, &c. par Or...

    MXN$22,000 - MXN$26,000 $1,077.38 - $1,273.26
  • Washington, Irving. Historia de la Vida y Viajes de Cristóbal Colón. Madrid: Imprenta de D. José Palacios, 1833 - 1834. Pieces: 4.
    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
    Lot 45

    Washington, Irving. Historia de la Vida y Viajes de Cri...

    MXN$6,000 - MXN$8,000 $293.83 - $391.77
  • Wilson, James. A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, Performed in the Years 1796,1797, 1798, in the ship Duff... 1799.
    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $587.66 - $734.57
    Lot 46

    Wilson, James. A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Paci...

    MXN$12,000 - MXN$15,000 $587.66 - $734.57
  • Ortelij, Abrahami. Epitome Theatri Orbis Terrarum. Antuerpiae: Exstat in Officina Plantinian, 1612. 134 mapas. Rare edition.
    MXN$100,000 - MXN$120,000 $4,897.16 - $5,876.59
    Lot 47

    Ortelij, Abrahami. Epitome Theatri Orbis Terrarum. Antu...

    MXN$100,000 - MXN$120,000 $4,897.16 - $5,876.59
  • Bertius, Petrus. Nova Hispania. Descriptio Hispaniolae.Amsterdam: Jodocus Hondius Jr., 1616. Map,3.7x5.1"(9.5x13cm)
    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91
    Lot 48

    Bertius, Petrus. Nova Hispania. Descriptio Hispaniolae....

    MXN$2,000 - MXN$3,000 $97.94 - $146.91

Auction Description

Books by International Travelers and Explorers by Morton Subastas


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