Dec 14, 07:00AM EST

Rare Books, Prints, Historical Photography (Auction 140)

Auction ended

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1018 Results
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  • Mary Somerville Ueberblick der physikalischen Wissenschafte in ihrem Zusammenhange. Uebersetzt nach der zweiten Auflage des Englischen Originals. Mit
    Lot 868

    Mary Somerville Ueberblick der physikalischen Wissensch...

  •  Cursus philosophicus ad usum scola benedictina accomodatus. Manuskript mit 1 gestoch. Frontispiz (Paris, Crespy) u. zahlr., z.T. gefalt. Baumdiagramm
    Lot 869

    Cursus philosophicus ad usum scola benedictina accomoda...

  • Louis Bertrand Castel L'optique des couleurs, fondée sur les simples observations, & tournée surtout à la pratique de la peinture, de la teinture & de
    Lot 870

    Louis Bertrand Castel L'optique des couleurs, fondée su...

  • Isaac Newton La méthode des fluxions et des suites infinies. Mit zahlr. Textholzschnitten und einer gestoch. Vignette. Paris, De Bure l'aîné, 1740. XX
    Lot 871

    Isaac Newton La méthode des fluxions et des suites infi...

  • Donato Rossetti Composizioni e passioni de' vetri, overo dimostrazioni fisico-matematiche delle gocciole, e de' fili del vetro, che rotto in qualsiasi
    Lot 872

    Donato Rossetti Composizioni e passioni de' vetri, over...

  • René Descartes Discours de la méthode, pour bien conduire sa raison et chercher la vérité dans les sciences. Plus la dioptrique et les météores, qui s
    Lot 873

    René Descartes Discours de la méthode, pour bien condui...

  • Johannes Hancke u. Caspar Neumann Exercitatio catoptrica de idolo speculi, in Almo Caesareo Regioq, Collegio Societatis Jesu Vratislaviae, Publicae Di
    Lot 874

    Johannes Hancke u. Caspar Neumann Exercitatio catoptric...

  •  Sammlung naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur.
    Lot 875

    Sammlung naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur.

  • Johannes Staricius Neu-vermehrter Helden-Schatz das ist, naturkündliches Bedencken uber und bey vulcanischer, auch natürlich-magischer Fabrefaction un
    Lot 876

    Johannes Staricius Neu-vermehrter Helden-Schatz das ist...

  • J.-B. Audebert Histoire naturelle des singes, peints d'après nature (und) Histoire naturelle (des singes et) des makis. Mit 63 Kupfertafeln, davon 61
    Lot 877

    J.-B. Audebert Histoire naturelle des singes, peints d'...

  • G. Cuvier Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation. Tl. I: Les mammifères (nur Atlasband). Mit 1 gestoch. Titel und 120 meist kol. bzw. teil
    Lot 878

    G. Cuvier Le règne animal distribué d'après son organis...

  • F. L Guérin Dictionnaire pittoresque d'histoire naturelle et de ses phénomènes de la nature, contenant l'histoire des animaux, des végétaux, des minér
    Lot 879

    F. L Guérin Dictionnaire pittoresque d'histoire naturel...

  • Johannes Jonston Theatrum universale omnium animalium piscium, avium, quadrupedum, exangium, aquaticorum, insectorum, et angium, (...) ac plus quam tr
    Lot 880

    Johannes Jonston Theatrum universale omnium animalium p...

  •  Konvolut von 6 Werken.
    Lot 881

    Konvolut von 6 Werken.

  •  Konvolut Zoologie.
    Lot 882

    Konvolut Zoologie.

  • Ferdinand Krauß Die Säugethiere nach Familien und Gattungen mit einem Anhang über den Zahn- und Knochenbau. Mit 50 (davon 43 kolor.) lithog. Tafeln. S
    Lot 883

    Ferdinand Krauß Die Säugethiere nach Familien und Gattu...

  • Bernard-Germain-Étienne de Lacépède Ouvres du Comte de Lacépède. Comprenant l'histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares, des serpents, des poissons
    Lot 884

    Bernard-Germain-Étienne de Lacépède Ouvres du Comte de ...

  • Otto Frederik Müller Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium, seu animalium infusoriorum, Helminthicorum, et Testaceorum, non marinorum, succincta histori
    Lot 885

    Otto Frederik Müller Vermium terrestrium et fluviatiliu...

  • Raphael Wintter (oder Winter) Animalcula varia ad naturam lapidi  illata  suo  amico  Dominic  Quaglio  dedicat  Raphael  dedicat Raphael Winter. Karl
    Lot 886

    Raphael Wintter (oder Winter) Animalcula varia ad natur...

  •  Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, appliquée aux arts, à l'agriculture, à l'économie rurale et domestique, à la médicine, etc. Nouvelle ed. 3
    Lot 887

    Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, appliquée au...

  • Carl Ludwig Koch Die Pflanzenläuse Aphiden getreu nach dem leben abgebildet und beschrieben. Mit 54 handkolorierten Tafeln. Nürnberg o.D., 1857. VIII.
    Lot 888

    Carl Ludwig Koch Die Pflanzenläuse Aphiden getreu nach ...

  • Gilbert Lafay Dipteres les plus communs des Environs de Macon. Aquarelles d'Apres Natures de l'auteur. Mit 56 farbigen Originalaquarellen. Um 1900. Kl
    Lot 889

    Gilbert Lafay Dipteres les plus communs des Environs de...

  • Johann Wilhelm Karl Adolph von Hüpsch Nouvelles découvertes de quelques testacées pétrifiés rares et inconnus, pour servire a l'histoire naturelle de
    Lot 890

    Johann Wilhelm Karl Adolph von Hüpsch Nouvelles découve...

  • Ulisse Aldrovandi Serpentum et draconum historiae libri duo. Mit 1 gestoch. Titel von G. B. Coriolano, 61 (teils ganzseit.) Holzschnittillustrationen
    Lot 891

    Ulisse Aldrovandi Serpentum et draconum historiae libri...

  • Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. 18 Bde. Mit insg. 262 Kupfertafeln. Paris, L'Imprimerie Royale, 1770-85. Kl.-8°. Gefleckt
    Lot 892

    Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon Histoire naturelle des ois...

  •  Umfangreiches Konvolut zum Thema Wale, Walfang, Delfine und Meereskunde(ca. 80 Titel) und Meersforschung, Ökologie und Schifffahrt (ca. 20 Titel). Ca
    Lot 893

    Umfangreiches Konvolut zum Thema Wale, Walfang, Delfine...

  •  Décennale des Salons de l'Automobile. La Section Rétrospective. La Rétrospective de la Voiture Automobile. Mit zahlreichen photgraphischen Abbildunge
    Lot 894

    Décennale des Salons de l'Automobile. La Section Rétros...

  •  Sammlung von 6 Autotypenbücher aus den Jahren 1926-1938 (davon 3 in Faksimile-Nachdruck). Mit umfangreichen technischen Angaben u. Abbildungen zu ein
    Lot 895

    Sammlung von 6 Autotypenbücher aus den Jahren 1926-1938...

  •  Demiryollar Mecmuasi (türk.: Eisenbahn-Zeitschrift). 3 Ausgaben. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. Istanbul, Eisenbahn-Druckerei, 1926/28. Zus. 270 S. 4°.
    Lot 896

    Demiryollar Mecmuasi (türk.: Eisenbahn-Zeitschrift). 3 ...

  • Theodor Stein Erweiterungsbauten der Berlin-Stettiner Eisenbahn, ausgeführt 1864-1869. Mit 25 doppelblattgr. Tafeln und zahlr. Abb. Berlin, Ernst und
    Lot 897

    Theodor Stein Erweiterungsbauten der Berlin-Stettiner E...

  • Jean-Joseph-Bonaventure Laurens Album du Chemin de Fer de Lyon à la Méditerranée. Premiere und Seconde excursion. Mit 60 teils getönten ganzseitigen L
    Lot 898

    Jean-Joseph-Bonaventure Laurens Album du Chemin de Fer ...

  • Ernest Deharme Compagnie des chemins de fer du midi. Voyage au Righi, au St. Gothard et au Mont-Cenis. Mit 25 meist mehrfach gefalt. Tafeln. Paris, 18
    Lot 899

    Ernest Deharme Compagnie des chemins de fer du midi. Vo...

  • A. M. Th. Morel Traite pratique des feux d'artifice, pour le spectacle et pour la guerre, avec des petits feux de table, et l'artifice a l'usage des t
    Lot 900

    A. M. Th. Morel Traite pratique des feux d'artifice, po...

  • K. P. Miérot Die Entdeckung des Perpetuum-Mobile (Schwerkraft-Automat). Mit 1 gefalt. Tafel. Mannheim, Combinato, 1932. 20 S. OKart.
    Lot 901

    K. P. Miérot Die Entdeckung des Perpetuum-Mobile (Schwe...

  •  Die neue Rheinbrücke bei Düsseldorf und die Kleinbahn Düsseldorf-Krefeld. Mit 31 Tafeln u. 14 Figuren. Düsseldorf, Bagel, 1898. 2 Bll., 55 S. 4°. Ill
    Lot 902

    Die neue Rheinbrücke bei Düsseldorf und die Kleinbahn D...

  •  Sammlung von 6 Bänden mit Zeitschriften über Stahlbau u. Bautechnik der 1930er. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. 1931-1940. 4° u. Fol. HLwd. mit goldgepr
    Lot 903

    Sammlung von 6 Bänden mit Zeitschriften über Stahlbau u...

  •  Sammlung von 10 Werke über Stahlbau u. Stahlbeton. 1926-1952. Mit zahlreichen Fotos, Tafeln u. Abbildungen. Verschieder Orte, Verlage, Formate u. Ein
    Lot 904

    Sammlung von 10 Werke über Stahlbau u. Stahlbeton. 1926...

  •  Unterricht und praktische Anleitung zum Straßenbau. Dresden, Walther, 1798. 76 S., 1 Bl. Pp. d. Zt. mit kleinem, goldgepr. Deckelschild (leicht besto
    Lot 905

    Unterricht und praktische Anleitung zum Straßenbau. Dre...

  • Giannantonio Santorini Nuova macchina per la trattura della seta. Mit 5 mehrfach gef. Tafeln. Milano, Stamperia Reale, 1809. 136 S. 8°. HLwd. d. Zt. (
    Lot 906

    Giannantonio Santorini Nuova macchina per la trattura d...

  •  Kämpfen - Hoffen - Leben - Leidenschaft. Soldatenleben im Ersten Weltkrieg. Sammlung von ca. 440 Feldpostkarten (Photo, Litho u.a.). 1914-1918. Je be
    Lot 907

    Kämpfen - Hoffen - Leben - Leidenschaft. Soldatenleben ...

  • Quintus Curtius Rufus De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni Macedonum Regis historia. Aucta nun aclocupletata. Mit einer Holzschnitt-Druckermarke. Lugduni,
    Lot 908

    Quintus Curtius Rufus De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni M...

  • Heinrich Schreiber Der Bundschuh zu Lehen im Breisgau, und der arme Konrad zu Bühl: zwei Vorboten des deutschen Bauernkrieges. Aus den Quellen bearbei
    Lot 909

    Heinrich Schreiber Der Bundschuh zu Lehen im Breisgau, ...

  • Anselm Banduri Imperium orientale sive Antiquitates Constantinopolitanae in quatuor partes distributae. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. Mit 2 gestoch. Titelvignetten,
    Lot 910

    Anselm Banduri Imperium orientale sive Antiquitates Con...

  • Thomas Crenius De furibus librariis dissertatio epistolica. 2 Tle. Lugduni Batavorum, o. V., 1705-08. 121 S., 2 Bll., 77 S. Kl.-8°. HPgt. d. Zt. mit h
    Lot 911

    Thomas Crenius De furibus librariis dissertatio epistol...

  •  Zuverlässiger Schutz des Sozialismus. Sammlung von 69 gefalt. tls. farb. Tafeln und Plakaten (ja ca. 42 x 60 cm) mit Titelblatt und Tafelverzeichnis.
    Lot 912

    Zuverlässiger Schutz des Sozialismus. Sammlung von 69 g...

  • Johann Georg von Eckhart Historia genealogica principum Saxoniae superioris, qua recensentur stemma Witichindeum, origines familiae Saxonicae regnanti
    Lot 913

    Johann Georg von Eckhart Historia genealogica principum...

  •  Erklärung des Calendarium perpetuum oder immerwährenden Kalenders in Form einer Denkmünze der Schlacht bei Leipzig 1813. Jubel-Gabe. Mit einer eingel
    Lot 914

    Erklärung des Calendarium perpetuum oder immerwährenden...

  • James Howell A German Diet: or, the balance of Europe. Mit Frontispiz-Kupferstich von Abraham Bosse nach einer Zeichnung von C. Melan. London, Humphre
    Lot 915

    James Howell A German Diet: or, the balance of Europe. ...

Auction Description

Rare Books, Prints, Historical Photography (Auction 140) by Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
Auction Preview:
Saturday December 11th. 2021 11 am to 2 pm
Wednesday December 8th. 2021 to Monday December 13th. 10 am to 7 pm
Read more
Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH


Buyer’s Premium

Start Premium (%)
EUR€0 22.95

Bid Increments

Start Increments (EUR€)
EUR€0 EUR€10
EUR€100 EUR€10
EUR€200 EUR€20
EUR€300 EUR€30
EUR€420 EUR€30
EUR€480 EUR€20
EUR€500 EUR€50
EUR€2,000 EUR€200
EUR€3,200 EUR€300

Terms & Conditions

Terms of Sale



1. The Auction is voluntary and takes place on the basis of the Vendor’s instructions. It is undertaken by us in our own name for the account of third parties. At the back of the Catalogue you will find the list of Consignors.
2. The terms of payment are cash payment in EURO. Public institutions and libraries are granted four weeks credit.
3. Bidding commences at approximately two thirds of the estimate, when a higher reserve price has not been set by the Vendor. Bidding will not start below 2/3rds of the estimate. Bids are raised by 10% in each instance. Lots are knocked down to the highest Bidder if no higher bid is received after three times of asking. In the case of two equal bids, the Buyer is determined by drawing lots. If a difference of opinion regarding a hammer price cannot be resolved at once, the lot in question will be resubmitted for auction immediately.
4. The Auctioneer reserves the right to auction lots out of sequence, to split lots, to combine separate lots, to withdraw lots, and to knock down conditionally. He is entitled to reject bids, either written or verbal, where appropriate security or satisfactory references have not been supplied prior to the Auction. The Auctioneer shall also have the right to submit bids on behalf of the Consignor until a reserve agreed with the Consignor is met and – if necessary – knock down the work of art stating the lot number given in the Catalogue to the Consignor; in such case the work of art shall remain unsold.
5. A premium of 26% will be added to the hammer price. This includes the Value Added Tax, calculated according to the Margin Tax Scheme. This tax will not be shown separately on the invoice. For Catalogue items marked with an asterisk (*) or (#) the Value added Tax of 7% (books) or 19% (other items according to German law) will be added to the combined hammer price and premium of 21%. The Seller is obliged to pay the droit de suite (resale rights tax) on the sales proceeds of all original works of art and original photographic works whose creators died less than 70 years before completion of the sale. Such works will be charged an extra fee of 2% (current charge, change possible) of hammer price by VG Bild-Kunst, who represent acc. § 26 UrhG the copyrights of artists. Buyers from third countries (i.e. outside the European Union) are not liable to VAT and Trade Buyers from EU-countries who have VAT Identification Number, registered with us before the sale, will be freed from VAT for all trade purposes if the mailing of the goods is handled by us. In this case the premium will be 21% (without VAT). All other EU-Buyers are liable to VAT. If the goods are picked personally by the Buyer VAT will be charged. Invoices issued during or immediately after the Auction are temporary and are subject to later control.
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7. Auction lots will, without exception, only be handed over after payment has been made. Storage and dispatch for non-local Buyers are at their expense and risk. Charges for dispatch, packing and insurance are billed separately. Dispatch is made only after receipt of payment in full and to the buyers risk only. In case to secure damages of the parcel and the goods the buyer can obtain an insurance from the parcel company through Jeschke van Vliet. If the parcel company refuses to pay the damage Jeschke van Vliet is not obligated to pay the damage amount to the buyer. Jeschke van Vliet indemnify itself from the buyer regarding any compensation for shipping damages. In the event of delayed payment, the Buyer is liable for all resultant damages, in particular interest and exchange losses. If the Buyer fails to make payment in full within two weeks after the final day of the sale, we shall be entitled to charge interest at a rate of 5% for private customers and 8% for commercial customers, or to cancel the sale, to resell the property, to set off any amounts which we may owe the Buyer in any
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8. All objects put up for Auction can be viewed and examined prior to the Auction at the times made known. Greatest care is taken with the Catalogue descriptions, these however do not grant legal guarantee. The objects are second-hand. The condition, unless otherwise stated, is good and appropriate to the age. Descriptions in the Catalogue are neither assured conditions as defined by § 434, sect. 1 BGB, new wording, nor an assured guarantee as defined by § 443, sect. 1 BGB, new wording. The Auctioneer is not liable for defects as far as he observed due care incumbent on him for description of objects to be auctioned. Traces of previous ownership (Book-plates, signatures, stamps) as well as signs of fair wear and tear (missing clasps, yellowing paper) are not necessarily specifically mentioned. No claims will be accepted in respect of these and they are usually (but not necessarily) included in the Catalogue with the indication of not collated items such as collections (Sammlungen, Konvolute) and „oRR./Waf.“ (ohne Reklamationsrecht / sold with all faults).
9. Claims must be registered within three days of the receipt of the goods. The Auctioneer accepts no liability for defects. He will however accept responsibility, in respect of properly founded claims for defects made within the term of limitation of twelve months, for making claims for restitution against the vendor. In the event of a successful intervention the Auctioneer will reimburse the payer for the price of purchase.
10. Jeschke · van Vliet will execute written bids for the Buyer at no charge. Telephone, telegraphic, faxed and Internet bids must be confirmed in writing or through online platforms. For absentee/written bids the Buyer authorizes the auctioneer to execute his bids. For telephone bidding during the Auction a staff member will execute the Buyers bids as advised on the telephone. For Post Auction Sales the Buyer will relay his limit price orders for unsold lots either in writing or per telephone. In aforementioned cases the rules for distant selling contracts (§§ 312b-312d BGB) do not apply. The Auctioneer accepts no liability of any nature for bids received later than 24 hours before the commencement of or during the Auction; for bids duly received and through negligence not carried out only to the extent of the estimate. Errors in transmission and postal delays are at the Buyer’s risk.
11. The place of fulfillment and jurisdiction is Berlin, Mitte. German law applies exclusively. The provisions of International Business law are expressly excluded.
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By making a bid, either verbally or written in, the Bidder confirms that he has taken note of the Terms of Sale by Auction and accepts these. In the event of dispute the German version of the above Terms of Sale is valid. The same applies to all Catalogue descriptions.

The Auctioneer: Hans-Joachim Jeschke