Mar 26, 09:00AM EDT

March 26, 2025, Online+ Auction: Fine Art, Japanese Prints, Glass, Books, Antiques & More

2025-03-26 09:00:00 2025-03-26 09:00:00 America/New_York Bidsquare Bidsquare : March 26, 2025, Online+ Auction: Fine Art, Japanese Prints, Glass, Books, Antiques & More
Concept Gallery

Featured Items

469 Results
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  • Peterpaul Ott painting/illustration Wagon Train
    $300 - $500
    Lot 884

    Peterpaul Ott painting/illustration Wagon Train

    $300 - $500
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Paris Street Scene in the Manner of Edouard Leon Cortes
    $150 - $300
    Lot 885

    Paris Street Scene in the Manner of Edouard Leon Cortes...

    $150 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 3 Bartolomeo Pinelli Hand Colored Engravings
    $150 - $250
    Lot 886

    3 Bartolomeo Pinelli Hand Colored Engravings

    $150 - $250
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Victor Pusirkov Lilacs Oil on Canvas 1998
    $200 - $400
    Lot 887

    Victor Pusirkov Lilacs Oil on Canvas 1998

    $200 - $400
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • After Frederic Remington Cavalry Border Patrol
    $80 - $150
    Lot 888

    After Frederic Remington Cavalry Border Patrol

    $80 - $150
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • George Washington Seavy Oil on Canvas Roses 1910
    $200 - $400
    Lot 889

    George Washington Seavy Oil on Canvas Roses 1910

    $200 - $400
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 5 Hand-Colored Engravings After George Edwards, Uncommon Birds
    $600 - $900
    Lot 890

    5 Hand-Colored Engravings After George Edwards, Uncommo...

    $600 - $900
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Spero drawing and gouache The Pensive Country Girl
    $100 - $200
    Lot 891

    Spero drawing and gouache The Pensive Country Girl

    $100 - $200
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • After Francis Turner Woodcock Shooting Engraving
    $200 - $400
    Lot 892

    After Francis Turner Woodcock Shooting Engraving

    $200 - $400
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Leon Vidal photochrome Qiquierre de Charles V
    $60 - $100
    Lot 893

    Leon Vidal photochrome Qiquierre de Charles V

    $60 - $100
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Wagner painted porcelain Queen with Diadem
    $250 - $450
    Lot 894

    Wagner painted porcelain Queen with Diadem

    $250 - $450
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 4 Elizabeth Williams Parisian figure study drawings
    $250 - $500
    Lot 895

    4 Elizabeth Williams Parisian figure study drawings

    $250 - $500
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • J. H. Wilson Late 19th century New York Landscape with Cows
    $150 - $300
    Lot 896

    J. H. Wilson Late 19th century New York Landscape with ...

    $150 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Francis Bacon Sylva Sylvarum 1635 with New Atlantis
    $60 - $100
    Lot 897

    Francis Bacon Sylva Sylvarum 1635 with New Atlantis

    $60 - $100
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Writings of James Russell Lowell 16 vols with autograph 1/1000
    $100 - $200
    Lot 898

    Writings of James Russell Lowell 16 vols with autograph...

    $100 - $200
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Ovid Booke of Metamorphose ltd 218/375 fine binding 1924
    $200 - $300
    Lot 899

    Ovid Booke of Metamorphose ltd 218/375 fine binding 192...

    $200 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • M. G. Lewis Tales of Wonder in 2 Volumes 1801 Leather
    $150 - $200
    Lot 900

    M. G. Lewis Tales of Wonder in 2 Volumes 1801 Leather

    $150 - $200
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Portfolio of NDL West Indies Cruise Otto Goetze Etchings 1926
    $40 - $60
    Lot 901

    Portfolio of NDL West Indies Cruise Otto Goetze Etching...

    $40 - $60
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Works of Edgar Allan Poe in 9 Volumes 1914 Illustrated
    $60 - $100
    Lot 902

    Works of Edgar Allan Poe in 9 Volumes 1914 Illustrated

    $60 - $100
    Concept Gallery
    1 Bid
    Current Bid
  • Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie 1900 First Edition
    $600 - $800
    Lot 903

    Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie 1900 First Edition

    $600 - $800
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Ernest Hemingway To Have and Have Not first edition in DJ
    $40 - $60
    Lot 904

    Ernest Hemingway To Have and Have Not first edition in ...

    $40 - $60
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • George Howe Call it Treason signed typescript 1949
    $30 - $50
    Lot 905

    George Howe Call it Treason signed typescript 1949

    $30 - $50
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 6 pieces of Tennessee Williams Theatre Ephemera
    $20 - $30
    Lot 906

    6 pieces of Tennessee Williams Theatre Ephemera

    $20 - $30
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Tissier Brothers rare 1858 book on Aluminum and Metals
    $50 - $80
    Lot 907

    Tissier Brothers rare 1858 book on Aluminum and Metals

    $50 - $80
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Assorted lot of Antique Books, including design and literature
    $30 - $50
    Lot 908

    Assorted lot of Antique Books, including design and lit...

    $30 - $50
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Antique leather book sets, 12 volumes, Dumas and Burns
    $50 - $80
    Lot 909

    Antique leather book sets, 12 volumes, Dumas and Burns

    $50 - $80
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • France under Napoleon by M.A. Thiers in Fine Bindings
    $125 - $150
    Lot 910

    France under Napoleon by M.A. Thiers in Fine Bindings

    $125 - $150
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Bibliophilist's Library in 10 Volumes Full Morocco, First
    $250 - $300
    Lot 911

    Bibliophilist's Library in 10 Volumes Full Morocco, Fir...

    $250 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Works of Tobias Smollett 1895 in 12 Vols Ltd 250 Bonhill Edition
    $200 - $300
    Lot 912

    Works of Tobias Smollett 1895 in 12 Vols Ltd 250 Bonhil...

    $200 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Complete Writings of Walt Whitman in 10 Vols Ltd to 200
    $300 - $500
    Lot 913

    Complete Writings of Walt Whitman in 10 Vols Ltd to 200...

    $300 - $500
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Authors Digest 20 Volume Leather Set Autograph Edition 1908
    $200 - $300
    Lot 914

    Authors Digest 20 Volume Leather Set Autograph Edition ...

    $200 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Tall Lidded Studio Pottery Vase
    $150 - $300
    Lot 915

    Tall Lidded Studio Pottery Vase

    $150 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 4 pcs. Inc. Rookwood Trivet, Sally Worcester Vase, Loetz Style
    $100 - $250
    Lot 916

    4 pcs. Inc. Rookwood Trivet, Sally Worcester Vase, Loet...

    $100 - $250
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Rudolstadt Ewer, Noritake Nippon Dish, Zsolnay Pecs Vase
    $100 - $250
    Lot 917

    Rudolstadt Ewer, Noritake Nippon Dish, Zsolnay Pecs Vas...

    $100 - $250
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 5 Majolica, Art Pottery Vases, Pitchers, and Ewers
    $150 - $300
    Lot 918

    5 Majolica, Art Pottery Vases, Pitchers, and Ewers

    $150 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Rookwood Parrot Tile Trivet Shape No. 2043
    $125 - $250
    Lot 919

    Rookwood Parrot Tile Trivet Shape No. 2043

    $125 - $250
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Tiffany Sterling Cake Knife Set
    $200 - $300
    Lot 920

    Tiffany Sterling Cake Knife Set

    $200 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 10 American Sterling Silver Pcs, Overlay Chased Teacups
    $150 - $250
    Lot 921

    10 American Sterling Silver Pcs, Overlay Chased Teacups...

    $150 - $250
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Lot of 4 Weighted Sterling Candlesticks, Ellmore Silver Co., Crosby
    $125 - $300
    Lot 923

    Lot of 4 Weighted Sterling Candlesticks, Ellmore Silver...

    $125 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 10 Pieces of American Sterling Holloware, Lunt, Web, Manchester
    $300 - $400
    Lot 924

    10 Pieces of American Sterling Holloware, Lunt, Web, Ma...

    $300 - $400
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 3 Pc. Silver Overlay, Art Nouveau Glass Bottles, Forbes Vase
    $125 - $300
    Lot 925

    3 Pc. Silver Overlay, Art Nouveau Glass Bottles, Forbes...

    $125 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • 2 Silver Overlay Blown Glass Pitchers
    $100 - $250
    Lot 926

    2 Silver Overlay Blown Glass Pitchers

    $100 - $250
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Sterling silver mounted walking sticks from Benedum Estates
    $200 - $400
    Lot 927

    Sterling silver mounted walking sticks from Benedum Est...

    $200 - $400
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Paul F Whitten 1981 Nantucket Basket
    $200 - $400
    Lot 928

    Paul F Whitten 1981 Nantucket Basket

    $200 - $400
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • John and Frances Elder 1975 Nantucket Basket
    $150 - $300
    Lot 929

    John and Frances Elder 1975 Nantucket Basket

    $150 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Paul Willer Oval Open Swing Nantucket Basket
    $100 - $300
    Lot 930

    Paul Willer Oval Open Swing Nantucket Basket

    $100 - $300
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Nancy A. Chase 1974 rosewood Nantucket Box
    $200 - $400
    Lot 931

    Nancy A. Chase 1974 rosewood Nantucket Box

    $200 - $400
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid
  • Dauler Close and Johns Hand painted Mahogany Dresser
    $400 - $800
    Lot 932

    Dauler Close and Johns Hand painted Mahogany Dresser

    $400 - $800
    Concept Gallery
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid

Auction Description

March 26, 2025, Online+ Auction: Fine Art, Japanese Prints, Glass, Books, Antiques & More by Concept Gallery

Our biggest Online+ auction of the year! Over 450 lots of fine art, objects, design and antiques, featuring a large selection of Ukiyo-e and Shin Hanga Japanese woodblock prints, as well as art glass, local (Pittsburgh) artists, mid century modern furniture and lighting, books, silver and more!

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Concept Gallery
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
United States

Phone:+1 4122429200

Buyer’s Premium

Start Premium (%)
$0 27.00

Bid Increments

Start Increments ($)
$0 $10
$100 $25
$400 $50
$1,000 $100
$3,000 $200
$5,000 $500
$10,000 $1,000
$20,000 $2,500
$50,000 $5,000
$100,000 $10,000


Available payment options

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
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  • Diners
  • Discover
  • JCB
  • Union Pay

See Terms and Conditions For Payment Details.

Shipping Info

Concept Gallery does not pack and ship. A list of packers and shippers that regularly visit our gallery is available on our website All property must be paid in full before we will release your purchases to the shippers. Please note that you will not see a charge for shipping on our invoice to you as all of our shipping is done by third parties.

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Terms & Conditions

Conditions of sale for auction: This constitutes Concept Art Gallery's and the Consignor's entire agreement with the purchaser relative to the property to be sold at auction. The following Conditions of Sale are the complete and only terms and conditions on which all property is offered for sale. All property is sold "AS IS" and neither we nor the Consignor makes any guarantees, warranties or representations, expressed or implied, with respect to the property or the correctness of the catalog or other description of the authenticity of authorship, provenance, exhibitions, literature or historical relevance of the property or otherwise. No statement anywhere, whether oral or written, shall be deemed such a guarantee, warranty or representation. Any condition statement is given as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Concept Gallery shall have no responsibility for any error or omission. The absence of a condition statement does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections or the effects of aging. Prospective bidders should inspect the property before bidding to determine its condition, size and whether or not it has been restored. We and the Consignor make no representation or warranty as to whether the purchaser acquires any reproduction rights in the property. We reserve the right to withdraw any property before sale. Unless otherwise announced by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot as numbered. We reserve the right to reject any bid. The highest bidder acknowledged by the online bidding system will be the purchaser. In the event of any dispute between bidders, or in the event of doubt on our part as to the validity of any bid, the auctioneer will have the final discretion either to determine the successful bidder or to re-offer and resell the article in dispute. If any dispute arises after the sale, our sales record is conclusive. Although in our discretion we will execute order bids or accept telephone bids as a convenience to clients who are not present at auctions, we are not responsible for any errors or omission in connection therewith (applies to Live Sales only, no phone/absentee bids for Online-Only Sales). If the auctioneer decided that any opening bid is below the value of the article offered s/he may reject the same and withdraw the article from sale, and if, having acknowledged an opening bid, s/he decides that any advance thereafter is insufficient, s/he may reject the advance. All sizes are approximate. All transactions must be complete before property is removed from the premise. Possession of purchased property will not turn over to bidder until checks have been cleared or arrangements for payment have been made with the Gallery. Cash (in house only), certified check, Master Card, Visa, Discover, (bank) wire transfer, or personal checks with prior approval are acceptable terms for purchases. If an article sold cannot be delivered by reason of theft, breakage, or other damage prior to check- out, the sale shall be deemed canceled without any liability on the part of the Gallery. All merchandise must be paid for and picked up or shipping arranged immediately following the sale, in no case later than one week following the sale, by 5PM (see shipping details to make shipping arrangements). Items not picked up by the deadline will be charged a storage fee of $5/day per lot. Additional charges may apply to oversize lots. Shipping can be arranged through any third-party shipper (find list of suggested shippers at our website). Merchandise not picked up will be re-auctioned or resold without further notice to the purchaser and payments will be forfeited. Further, in the event of loss or such resale, the original will be responsible. Property not picked up within one (1) month may be re-auctioned or resold without further notice to the buyer, and payment will be forfeited. Merchandise will be packed and transported by the purchaser at their own risk and expense. Bidding on merchandise automatically constitutes agreement with these terms. IMPORTANT NOTICE: A premium of 24% will apply to all property sold at, to be paid by buyer as part of the purchase price. Phone & absentee bids are available until 5pm the day before the sale (applies to Live Sales only, no phone/absentee bids for Online-Only sales). Lots including jewelry, silver or other precious metals can only be paid for by wire transfer, bank transfer, ACH transfer, cashier's check or an in person cash transaction. All lots with these payment restrictions will be noted in the Condition field. Auctioneer License: Sam Berkovitz AU003292-L; Alison Oehler AU005978