Sep 16, 10:00AM EDT

Day 2: Asian Arts, Modern & Sterling Silver

Auction ended

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516 Results
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  • Six Mirror Black Monochrome Vases and 黑釉将军罐、柳叶瓶、赏瓶共六件,最大的高10.5英寸,19-20世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 502

    Six Mirror Black Monochrome Vases and 黑釉将军罐、柳叶瓶、赏瓶共六件,最...

    $600 - $900
  • Turquoise-Glazed Monochrome Porcelain 绿松石釉瓜形赏瓶,11.75英寸,19世纪,中国
    $400 - $700
    Lot 503

    Turquoise-Glazed Monochrome Porcelain 绿松石釉瓜形赏瓶,11.75英寸,...

    $400 - $700
  • Robin's Egg Blue-Glazed Covered 蓝釉蛋形储罐带镂雕木盖,9.5英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 504

    Robin's Egg Blue-Glazed Covered 蓝釉蛋形储罐带镂雕木盖,9.5英寸,19/20...

    $600 - $900
  • Three Aubergine-Glazed Porcelain 茄子色釉葫芦瓶、天球瓶、竹节香炉各一,明代或更晚
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 505

    Three Aubergine-Glazed Porcelain 茄子色釉葫芦瓶、天球瓶、竹节香炉各一,明代或...

    $800 - $1,200
  • Famille Noir Porcelain Square Bottle 粉彩三圈唇口菊花竹编纹方形柳叶瓶,14.75英寸,19世纪,中国
    $400 - $700
    Lot 506

    Famille Noir Porcelain Square Bottle 粉彩三圈唇口菊花竹编纹方形柳叶瓶,1...

    $400 - $700
  • Pair Celadon Porcelain Bulbous Oval 青瓷双耳开光浮雕双螭龙天球瓶带底座一对,9.75英寸,中国
    $200 - $400
    Lot 507

    Pair Celadon Porcelain Bulbous Oval 青瓷双耳开光浮雕双螭龙天球瓶带底座一对...

    $200 - $400
  • Guangxu White-Engraved Porcelain 白瓷暗刻云龙纹碗,2.125*6英寸,19世纪晚期,光绪款
    $1,000 - $1,500
    Lot 508

    Guangxu White-Engraved Porcelain 白瓷暗刻云龙纹碗,2.125*6英寸,19世...

    $1,000 - $1,500
  • Clare de Lune Two-Handled Vase 象首双耳天球瓶,10.75英寸,或民国时期
    $600 - $900
    Lot 509

    Clare de Lune Two-Handled Vase 象首双耳天球瓶,10.75英寸,或民国时期

    $600 - $900
  • Seven Blanc de Chine Small Libation 白瓷酒爵、酒杯、酒碗各一对和船形碗,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 510

    Seven Blanc de Chine Small Libation 白瓷酒爵、酒杯、酒碗各一对和船形碗,中...

    $300 - $500
  • Carved Jade Dragon Libation Cup 青玉浮雕龙凤饕餮纹酒杯带底座,5.75*4英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $600
    Lot 511

    Carved Jade Dragon Libation Cup 青玉浮雕龙凤饕餮纹酒杯带底座,5.75*4英寸...

    $300 - $600
  • Large Jade Carving of Mythical 玉雕虚构神兽带底座,6*12英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 512

    Large Jade Carving of Mythical 玉雕虚构神兽带底座,6*12英寸,20世纪,中国...

    $300 - $500
  • Jade Carving of Two Mythical Figures 翡翠雕两个人物造像带木雕底座,8.5*7.5英寸,20世纪,中国
    $2,000 - $3,000
    Lot 513

    Jade Carving of Two Mythical Figures 翡翠雕两个人物造像带木雕底座,8.5...

    $2,000 - $3,000
  • Carved Hardstone Spear/Blade 硬玉雕戈头,0.5*9*6.5英寸,商代形制,中国
    $100 - $300
    Lot 514

    Carved Hardstone Spear/Blade 硬玉雕戈头,0.5*9*6.5英寸,商代形制,中国

    $100 - $300
  • Hardstone Carving With Dragon and 硬玉雕龙凤带木雕底座,9.5*8.5英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 515

    Hardstone Carving With Dragon and 硬玉雕龙凤带木雕底座,9.5*8.5英寸,...

    $300 - $500
  • Carved Hardstone Lidded Turtle Vase 青玉雕龙龟驮宝瓶带木雕底座,7.5*4.5英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $600
    Lot 516

    Carved Hardstone Lidded Turtle Vase 青玉雕龙龟驮宝瓶带木雕底座,7.5*4...

    $300 - $600
  • Hardstone Lidded Four-Legged Urn 硬玉雕狮子腿四足盖壶带底座,4.75*5.25英寸,晚清或近代,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 517

    Hardstone Lidded Four-Legged Urn 硬玉雕狮子腿四足盖壶带底座,4.75*5.2...

    $300 - $500
  • Celadon Hardstone Moth Pendant and a 水晶罗汉坐像和硬玉蝴蝶雕件各一带底座,罗汉高3英寸,蝴蝶2*2.75英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 518

    Celadon Hardstone Moth Pendant and a 水晶罗汉坐像和硬玉蝴蝶雕件各一带底座...

    $600 - $900
  • Finely Carved Jade Mask-Form Belt 玉雕人物头像上盘螭龙带黑柚木底座,高4.875英寸,中国
    $400 - $800
    Lot 519

    Finely Carved Jade Mask-Form Belt 玉雕人物头像上盘螭龙带黑柚木底座,高4.8...

    $400 - $800
  • Finely Carved Celadon Jade Two-Handled 螭龙双耳浮雕青玉瓶,10.625英寸,20世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 520

    Finely Carved Celadon Jade Two-Handled 螭龙双耳浮雕青玉瓶,10.625...

    $600 - $900
  • Carved Celadon Jade Covered Footed 青玉雕蕉叶四足双耳香炉,5.75英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 521

    Carved Celadon Jade Covered Footed 青玉雕蕉叶四足双耳香炉,5.75英寸,1...

    $600 - $900
  • Green Jade Figural Pendant with a 青玉雕部分钙化人物挂件两件,分别高3.25英寸和1.125英寸,或中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 522

    Green Jade Figural Pendant with a 青玉雕部分钙化人物挂件两件,分别高3.25...

    $300 - $500
  • Five Carved Jade Archaic Style Objects 青白玉雕挂件五件,最大的3.5英寸,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 523

    Five Carved Jade Archaic Style Objects 青白玉雕挂件五件,最大的3.5英...

    $300 - $500
  • Two Carved Jade Cups with Four Handles 玉雕螭龙双柄酒杯和狮子双柄酒杯各一,较大的2.5*5.125英寸,19世纪,中国
    $400 - $800
    Lot 524

    Two Carved Jade Cups with Four Handles 玉雕螭龙双柄酒杯和狮子双柄酒杯各...

    $400 - $800
  • Three Jade Plaques, a Fish-Form [Bi] 青玉雕玉佩五件,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 525

    Three Jade Plaques, a Fish-Form [Bi] 青玉雕玉佩五件,中国

    $600 - $900
  • Finely Carved Jade Wedding Bowl 玉雕浅碗,直径6.5英寸,中国
    $2,000 - $4,000
    Lot 526

    Finely Carved Jade Wedding Bowl 玉雕浅碗,直径6.5英寸,中国

    $2,000 - $4,000
  • Finely Carved Celadon Hardstone Plate 玉雕蝙蝠双耳菊花纹盘,0.5*9.625英寸
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 527

    Finely Carved Celadon Hardstone Plate 玉雕蝙蝠双耳菊花纹盘,0.5*9....

    $800 - $1,200
  • Two Chinese Guanyin Figures and 德化白瓷观音、硬玉雕观音、内画鼻烟壶各一,最大的高10英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 528

    Two Chinese Guanyin Figures and 德化白瓷观音、硬玉雕观音、内画鼻烟壶各一,最大...

    $300 - $500
  • Pair Large Carved Hardstone Circular 硬玉雕花鸟桌屏带柚木底座一对,0.5*12.25英寸,20世纪,中国
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 529

    Pair Large Carved Hardstone Circular 硬玉雕花鸟桌屏带柚木底座一对,0.5...

    $800 - $1,200
  • Finely Carved Hardstone Foo Lion with 抱蛤骑狮男子玉雕带黑木底座,2.25*2.75*1.5英寸,19世纪中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 530

    Finely Carved Hardstone Foo Lion with 抱蛤骑狮男子玉雕带黑木底座,2.2...

    $600 - $900
  • Carved and Painted White Marble Figure 金漆汉白玉雕象头神,10.25英寸,19/20世纪,印度
    $400 - $800
    Lot 531

    Carved and Painted White Marble Figure 金漆汉白玉雕象头神,10.25英...

    $400 - $800
  • Carved Jade Neolithic Style Kong 玉琮/玉马/玉龙/玉面具共五件,最大的2.125*2.375英寸,或中国古代
    $300 - $500
    Lot 532

    Carved Jade Neolithic Style Kong 玉琮/玉马/玉龙/玉面具共五件,最大的2.1...

    $300 - $500
  • Five Chinese Carved Hardstone Articles 各类硬玉雕件(山羊、猫、碗、壶等)五件,最大的高5.5英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $500 - $800
    Lot 533

    Five Chinese Carved Hardstone Articles 各类硬玉雕件(山羊、猫、碗、壶等...

    $500 - $800
  • Eight Chinese Soapstone Table Articles 各类寿山石雕摆件八件,最大的高11.5英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $400 - $600
    Lot 534

    Eight Chinese Soapstone Table Articles 各类寿山石雕摆件八件,最大的高1...

    $400 - $600
  • Eight Chinese Carved Hardstone 各类硬玉雕件(罗汉、观音、香炉、花瓶等)八件,最大的高12.5英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $500 - $800
    Lot 535

    Eight Chinese Carved Hardstone 各类硬玉雕件(罗汉、观音、香炉、花瓶等)八件,最...

    $500 - $800
  • Monumental Carved Soapstone Figure of 寿山石雕云纹上的观音双像带硬木底座,总高17.25英寸,20世纪,中国
    $400 - $700
    Lot 536

    Monumental Carved Soapstone Figure of 寿山石雕云纹上的观音双像带硬木底座...

    $400 - $700
  • Gilt Silvered Filigree Box with a 鎏金底嵌白玉银盒,1.75 x3.625x2英寸,中国
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 537

    Gilt Silvered Filigree Box with a 鎏金底嵌白玉银盒,1.75 x3.625x...

    $800 - $1,200
  • 14KT Gold and Green Jadite Ring 14K金翡翠戒指,翡翠大小为14*10mm,中国
    $500 - $800
    Lot 538

    14KT Gold and Green Jadite Ring 14K金翡翠戒指,翡翠大小为14*10mm,中...

    $500 - $800
  • Necklace with Carved and Pierced 玉牌挂件玉珠编绳项链,玉牌大小2x2125x0.125英寸,项链长26.5英寸,20世纪早期,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 539

    Necklace with Carved and Pierced 玉牌挂件玉珠编绳项链,玉牌大小2x2125x...

    $300 - $500
  • Four Cylindrical Carved Soapstone Wax 寿山石印章四枚,两枚高6英寸,两枚高4.625英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 540

    Four Cylindrical Carved Soapstone Wax 寿山石印章四枚,两枚高6英寸,两枚...

    $300 - $500
  • Rare Late Ming Wucai Enameled Monkey 桃树下猴鹿鸟蝶芝草五彩碟,直径8.75英寸,中国晚明,成化款
    $600 - $900
    Lot 541

    Rare Late Ming Wucai Enameled Monkey 桃树下猴鹿鸟蝶芝草五彩碟,直径8.7...

    $600 - $900
  • Pear-Shaped Powder Blue Covered Vase 蓝釉金漆龙形双耳天球盖瓶,16.25英寸,18/19世纪,中国
    $1,000 - $1,500
    Lot 542

    Pear-Shaped Powder Blue Covered Vase 蓝釉金漆龙形双耳天球盖瓶,16.25...

    $1,000 - $1,500
  • Large Wucai Five-Color Shallow Dish 五彩凤凰菊花缠枝花纹大盘,2.625*17.75英寸,中国
    $2,000 - $3,000
    Lot 543

    Large Wucai Five-Color Shallow Dish 五彩凤凰菊花缠枝花纹大盘,2.625*...

    $2,000 - $3,000
  • Famille Rose Porcelain Covered Jar 粉彩狩猎纹罐形灯座,7.75英寸,20世纪
    $200 - $400
    Lot 544

    Famille Rose Porcelain Covered Jar 粉彩狩猎纹罐形灯座,7.75英寸,20世...

    $200 - $400
  • Pair Wucai Porcelain Foo Dog and 五彩麒麟牡丹蕉叶纹象腿瓶,18.5英寸,19世纪
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 545

    Pair Wucai Porcelain Foo Dog and 五彩麒麟牡丹蕉叶纹象腿瓶,18.5英寸,19...

    $800 - $1,200
  • Five-Color Wucai Porcelain Baluster- 五彩八仙过海蕉叶纹石榴瓶,11.5英寸,中国,宝鼎雅玩款
    $400 - $800
    Lot 546

    Five-Color Wucai Porcelain Baluster- 五彩八仙过海蕉叶纹石榴瓶,11.5英...

    $400 - $800
  • Wucai Porcelain Covered Dragon Box 五彩雕龙纹方碗,2.125*6.25英寸,中国明代,嘉靖款
    $400 - $700
    Lot 547

    Wucai Porcelain Covered Dragon Box 五彩雕龙纹方碗,2.125*6.25英寸...

    $400 - $700
  • Three Famille Rose Porcelain Covered 粉彩(人物、百鸟朝凤、公鸡牡丹)石榴壶三只,8.5英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $200 - $400
    Lot 548

    Three Famille Rose Porcelain Covered 粉彩(人物、百鸟朝凤、公鸡牡丹)石榴...

    $200 - $400
  • Two Cylinder-Form Porcelain Vases 五彩金边人物纹笔筒两只,11.25英寸,中国
    $200 - $400
    Lot 549

    Two Cylinder-Form Porcelain Vases 五彩金边人物纹笔筒两只,11.25英寸,中...

    $200 - $400

Auction Description

Day 2: Asian Arts, Modern & Sterling Silver by Brunk Auctions

Friday, September 16, 2016

Preview at 9:00 am

Auction Begins at 10:00 am


Our September catalog auction presents a showing of consignments across several categories.  Notable offerings include a variety of Asian works of art and objects from Japanese, Chinese and Korean origins which represent the Shiver & Bennett Collections; Modern works of art; Sterling Silver; Continental, British and European decorative arts; American & Folk Art.


Following the conclusion of the auction each winning bidder will receive an email from our offices which will include an invoice and relevant payment information. 

Please feel free to contact our offices for any questions or concerns.
Phone: 828.254.6846

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Asheville, NC 28802
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Start Increments ($)
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$100 $50
$1,000 $100
$2,000 $200
$3,000 $250
$5,000 $500
$10,000 $1,000
$20,000 $2,000
$50,000 $5,000
$100,000 $10,000

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